Saruhiko Fushimi X Reader

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If you didn't know him, Munakata Reisi the Blue King and Captain of Sceptre 4 acted like an asshole, valuing his pride a bit too much. But the day you met him face to face, the day he smiled at you and told you that he would give you a place to stay, that all changed.
Munakata Reisi wasn't just your superior, he was your King and your savior. When everything in your life seemed to be going down hill fast, he took your hand and pulled you back to your feet, presenting to you a place where you could put your talents to good use.
When you finally officially joined, you were placed in the Special Operations Squad after about a week because of your martial arts skills and prior lessons on how to use a sword from your father, who was now proud to see you in a Sceptre 4 uniform and doing good.
The other guys who were on there way to joining the Special Ops. didn't like me at first, and you figured it was just because you stomped a little on their ego's when you got to the Special Ops Squad being a newbie before they did being here for over a year. But that changed quickly when we got to know each other, and the one who seemed to hate me the most became your best friend, Akira Hidaka.
After Kusuhara died, things shifted even more. It was a rainy day when a new kid around your age joined, and it almost felt like an all to fast replacement for Kusuhara. He was placed right away in the Special Operations Squad, but unlike me who fought on the front lines, he worked behind the scenes with all the technological concerns - and he was a legend with working computers.
To say the least, you respected him, but he was even harder to talk to then Akira, who literally hated your guts.

But that wasn't going to stop you, because there was something about him that drew you closer to him, and you have always been one to go with your gut.

After training, and kicking Akira's ass (much to his dismay) while showing off to Saruhiko in the corner of the dojo, you all headed out for your daily patrol shift. You were near by gossiping about Seri Awashima and Izumo Kusanagi being in a secret relationship when an alarm for a small corner store went off. Even though this usually wouldn't be something you Special Ops. Squad men would concern yourselves with, you shrugged and moonwalked your way over to where Saruhiko was standing with his eyes on another screen.
"Hey Fushimi, wanna go check out what's up with me?" You asked, glancing at Akira and Andy as they gave you a thumbs up.
"Why don't you go look yourself? You're perfectly capable."
you sweat dropped, "R-right... well, if you change your mind, you know where I'll be!" You laughed awkwardly before turned and pouting as you walked off towards the store, the other guys failing to stifle their laughs.

When you got to the sight, there wasn't really any real baddies to deal with at all - no dumb teenagers you could tell off or anything, nothing but a toddler with a bag of candy in his hands and tears in his eyes.
Cute little kids... my weakness! You cried in your head.
"Hey, little guy! What's your name?"
"R-Ruga..." He replied hastily, clutching the candy bag tighter in his cute little hands.
You smiled and knelt down to his level, "Cool! My name is Y/N, I'm here to-"
"I'm sorry! You have candy back, I don't wanna die!" The boy suddenly yelled, tears falling down his cheeks like waterfalls.
"Die?!" You coughed out, wondering who the hell told this kid that he would die if he did anything bad.
Maybe my sword scared him? You wondered, glancing up at the elder lady behind the counter, "Uh, okay, you won't die little Rei, no need to worry! Give the candy back to the nice lady, and then I'll take you home safe. How's that sound?"
"I don't wanna go home! Mommy is scary!"
You stiffened, your sweet fake smile fading fast when you realized that this little boy must have ran away and gotten hungry - I mean, why else would he be steeling and no one be here for him to help him make it right and tell him that steeling is wrong like a true mother would?
"Y/N, what's taking so long- oh-"
"Call Munkata, Akira. This might be a bigger case then we thought it was after all."

You sighed, your heart churning as Ruga hiccuped a sob, trying to wipe his eyes with the back of his hands, sitting in a chair far to big for him surrounded by a bunch of guys trying to cheer him up.
"He won't stop crying..."
"What should we do? I never had a younger sibling..."
"Does anyone know how to take care of children?!"
You rose your hand and placed it on your forehead, slowly dragging it down the rest of your face in despair and annoyance, praying silently for the future of these men. You had gotten him to calm down, but you left for two minutes to use the bathroom and came back to see the same mess you had just cleaned up recreated.
"What the hell is going on? I can't focus at all." Saruhiko walked up beside me, a more annoyed look in his eyes than usual.
"Hey, Fushimi! Ruga is upset - most likely scared from all the men with swords surrounding him!" I yelled out dramatically, shooting a glare in their direction, "He ran away from home, saying his mom was scary. Munakata and Seri are working on it now while we watch over him. As you can see, no one here is destined to be the father of the year-"
You blinked as the male clicked his tongue, walking forward he made his way through the crowd and stood in front of little Ruga. Everyone froze, and an eary silence filled the room. Ruga hiccuped, but his sobs had stopped as he looked up at the blunt man in front of him.
What is he planning?! You asked yourself, worried he'd only make it worse, but all of a sudden he pulled out his phone and opened up an app, and then gave it to Ruga.
Your eyes widened as the boy's sadness vanished and he took the device in his little hands, sniffling in content as he played the game.

What the f-

The next day, the group had a meeting to discuss what Munakata and Awishima had found out about Ruga and the reason why he ran away, as well as our next move. Turns out his mom is a drug addict and the poor boy was smart enough to get out of the house when his mom got angry. Munakata even located his father, who had left Ruga's mother after finding out she was pregnant. We didn't really have a next move, since the police easily took over by arresting his mother. Since Ruga didn't have anywhere left to go, we would have to put him in foster care.

But -  you still had one more day left with him before that happened, and you all took advantage of it.

You played board games with him, taught him a few fighting moves, and Ryuho even let him help make this amazing lunch for everyone, something the man claimed to be popular at the restaurant he used to work at.
Near the end of the day, you were running around the base with Ruga on your shoulders, the boy's little screams and giggles gave you so much energy that you could probably keep doing this all night, but you stopped for a little break when you saw Akira, Andy and Himori.
"Hey guys, what's up?" You began.
"Nothing much - I see you guys are having fun."
"YEAH!" Ruga screamed again and you all laughed at his joy. You lifted the boy off your shoulders and set him on the ground - you were going to ask him if he wanted to have a yogurt break, but the second his feet hit the floor he scurried off towards the only person working.
Saruhiko Fushimi.
All of you cringed as he tugged at the mans coat. Saruhiko looked down confused and his eyes softened slightly before going back to there normal glare like look.
"What do you want?" He asked.
"What you working on Mr.?"
"It's just some paper work-"
"Can I see? I wanna help." Ruga began to try and climb up onto Saru's desk chair, to which all of you cringed some more, your hands gripping the sides of your hair as you stared at him with wide eyes, trying to telepathically tell him to stop.
But that, of course, didn't work.
Saruhiko sighed heavily - very heavily, as Ruga managed to get himself on the mans lap without any help from him, but didn't remove the child.
He continued working, bluntly answering Ruga's questions until the boy eventually fell asleep on him.

The boys and you had crept away from the scene to have a yogurt break for yourselves instead, leaving Ruga to hang out with Saruhiko on his own, since even though Saruhiko was probably annoyed - Ruga clearly liked him the best. It was about an hour later when Saruhiko came walking into the kitchen with Ruga clinging to him like a koala bear.
"Hey." He began, a scary tone to his voice, the boys coughed and excused themselves and you were left to deal with Saruhiko
"Your kid fell asleep on me." He began as you stepped up in front of him, a sheepish smile on your face.
He's not my kid...
"Well, seems he just really likes to make friends." You took him from Saru's arms, and as he went to to turn away you swallowed.
Say something!
He turned slightly to give you a glance, telling you silently he was listening, "Uh- thanks for, you know... i-it was his last day here and after you gave him your phone he took a big liking to you."
He clicked his tongue, "Whatever."
"S-see you around, Saru!"
"Yeah, see you. Y/N." He mumbled, raising his hand in a half-assed wave as he walked off.
Yessss!  You silently cheered, He knows my name!

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