Part 37

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Spencer hugged me. "It's okay, I know this was hard for you...and I was thinking the same thing. We both have changed a lot...and I don't know...I see the way you look at him...and the way he looks at never looked at me that way." He said in a quiet voice.

He let go of me and rubbed my shoulders. "I know everyone says this...but I really don't want this to ruin our friendship." I looked up at him: he had tears in his eyes.

"Now, what are you waiting for?" He asked. "Go get him."

He gave me a sad smile as I gave him our last hug and I walked away. The second I knew he couldn't see me I ran through the temple looking for Carter's room.

I finally found his door, I knocked a few times and waited for only a few seconds for him to open the door.

"Lola?" He said in slightly surprised voice.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

He nodded slowly. "Are you okay? You look-?"

The second he closed the door. I ran into his arms and I kissed him.

At first I could tell I scared him but he closed his eyes and kissed me back. He put one arm around my waist and one hand on the back of my head. I kept my arms around his neck and we seemed to be kissing for so long but it was only a minute.

He finally leaned back and asked, "Wait, does this mean you picked me?" I nodded with a smile.

Carter ran his fingers through his hair and in awe said, "I have to ask your mom first though. Make sure she approves." I smiled as he went down on one knee grabbed my hand and asked in his most cheesy voice, "Avatar Lola, will you be officially my girlfriend?"

I nodded with a big smile. "Yes, but let's wait for about two weeks before we start dating. In respect of Spencer."

Carter nodded as he stood up. We stared into each others eyes until I said, "I should go to bed."

I grabbed the doorknob and I was about to walk out but Carter grabbed my hand and said, "Goodnight, Lola."

I smiled. "Goodnight."


I climbed the stairs to the third floor of the temple to knock on Jenna's door, when I did I could hear her walking towards the door and she opened it.

"So?" She asked.

"I picked Carter." I said slowly, with a love sick smile.

Jenna's eyes popped out of her head and she smiled. "Yes! I was always team Carter! Well come in here!" She said opening the door wider.

I walked in and sat on a chair.

"So what did you tell Spencer?" She asked.

"I told him that we may have worked out in the past but we both have changed so much, and I think the feelings we had for each other was actually just comfort we found in each other." I said with a sigh at the end. "I really didn't want to hurt him."

Jenna nodded and gave me a hug. "I know, I know. You're that type of person."

I hugged her back and said, "Thanks, Jenna."

She then let go and sat on her bed with a smile. "Remember when you first met Carter and I told you, you guys were gonna end up together?"

I sighed with a smile. "Yeah, I remember."

Jenna fell on her back on her bed and asked, "Does Carter know?"

I blushed and looked down. "Uh...yeah...I just told him. We kinda kissed..." I said quietly.

Jenna popped up her head with awe. "Kinda, or you did?"

"We did." I said waiting for the teasing to start.

Instead Jenna just sighed a happy sigh and said, "Y'all are so cute." as she put her head back down.


I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed as ever; the sun was warm on my skin and I could feel a sweet breeze from my window. I lifted my head and stretched my arms.

For the first time in a month, I woke up with hope.

I got out of bed and got dressed: I had my black beanie, blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and my famous camo jacket.

I opened my door to see Carter standing there: he had a bright smile on his face and he had a flower in his hand.

"Hey!" I said in a cheery voice that sounded way too happy to be mine. I pulled him in a tight hug and he hugged me back.

When I let go he kissed my forehead, and whispered, "Fourteen more days."

I could feel the smile on his face as I closed my eyes and dug my face into his chest and slightly whispered, "Fourteen days." I looked up to see him smiling.

We waited for Jenna to get out of her room and the three of us walked down the stairs. When we got downstairs to the main room and white lotus guards were everywhere.

"What's going on?" Jenna asked. I looked over at Carter and Jenna, they both looked confused and worried.

"Hey! You!" I shouted at a guard. He turned around to face me.

"Avatar Lola." He did a slight bow as I asked, "What's going on?"

He stood straight up and explained, "We have a new someone new here and the high members demanded that they have extra protection."

I glanced over at Jenna and Carter; they looked at confused as I did.

"Who is it?" Carter asked taking a step closer.

"" Jenna crossed her arms and said, "Well, spit it out."

The guard cleared his throat. "It's your father."

I looked over at Carter who suddenly turned pale. His eyes stared at the guard. He was frozen and he looked so pale I thought he was going to pass out. I stepped in front of him and started saying his name. "Carter? Carter!?"

He stood frozen, looking dead inside.

Jenna stepped next to me, and slapped him.

He instantly was broken from his trance and his eyes darted around, confused. "Where is he?" He demanded.

I looked at him confused. I was about to say something but Grant cut me off.

Grant came strutting towards us with a man next to him.

The stranger was about half a foot taller than me, he was wearing dark green sweatpants and a light green shirt with the Earth kingdom symbol on it. He had brown hair that you could tell used to be blonde, his green eyes were just as breathtaking as Carter's, he was wearing a smirk on his pale frog face.

"Avatar Lola, Fire Princess Jenna, this is Guno, Carter's father." Guno looked at Jenna for half a second then rest his eyes on me. He formed a big smirk that looked way too much like Carter's, except this one wasn't a teasing one.

"Well, my my my, you must be the Avatar." he then looked down between Carter and I, and he said, "and apparently the girlfriend."

I then looked to see Carter holding my arm keeping me behind him. Carter then said through his grinding teeth. "What the heck are you doing here?"

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