Part 20

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We rode down the woods, passing Jenna's house and I looked at Carter. "Aren't we picking up Jenna?"

Carter licked his lips nervously, and said, "No, the high members need to speak with you."

I nodded. My palms started to sweat and my knees were knocking.

Carter noticed and he said in a calming voice, "Hey don't worry. They just want to talk."

Oh no...what if they found out about Spencer, and I'm not aloud to go on dates?

I sat in a meeting room with the high members, and we were all sitting around a round table.

"Avatar Lola," said Yamu, "we wanted to talk to you about your responsibilities after the rebellion is over. Jenna will be Firelord, (for she is the last one of royal blood) because at that time she will be about sixteen. I will be ruling the Earth Kingdom. Reina and nine other air nomads and nuns, will be in charge of the air nation, Grant will rule both water tribes, and Lulu will be president of Republic City."

I nodded. "That's sounds great. But do you have back ups? Like, if someone dies during the rebellion?"

Everyone but Grant (who is hard to please) smiles. "Great question, Lola. You're thinking like a true Avatar." Lulu said.

I smiled and said, "Thank you."

Yamu answered my question. "Yes, we do have back ups. Carter will be Reina's, Paul will be Jenna's, and two good friends of mine, will be Lulu's and Grant's, and you will be mine."

I felt my jaw fall. Me? The Avatar AND the Queen of the Earth Kingdoms? No way. I started praying that Yamu would survive, when Paul said, "I think you should know Lola, that Jenna is my niece."

I nodded. "I know. We found out."

Everyone looked shocked. "How did you find out?" Reina asked.

"Well, we saw a picture of Mai and Paul together in a picture book."

Paul relaxed a little. "Mai is Jenna's mom's sister. She has no Firelord blood at all. I met Mai here, working in the White Lotus. We got married about a year later and never had children. About ten years ago, a government agent found one of our cars and Mai saw him and tried to bring him down, but he shot her in the knee. We caught him but he flashed his phone camera in my face last minute, so the government could find me, and kill me. So I had to fake my death, of course I told Mai, but no one else. Because of her knee and safety, Mai could no longer come back." I looked at Paul's watery eyes, and I felt so bad for them.

"Mai didn't tell Jenna that much." I said quietly.

Grant raised his eyebrows. "She shouldn't have told Jenna anything at all." I rolled my eyes at him.

Lulu broke the silence and said, "So, you will have to help us with the people, and bring hope and peace. We all want to work together." ***

Carter dropped me off at my house and I came through the front door and up to my room. I opened the door and saw Cindy going through my closet. She made a bigger mess than Carter does.

"What are you doing?" I snapped.

Cindy jumped at the sound of my voice. "Nothing, just looking." She said.

I felt so angry I almost threw a rock at her head. I grabbed all my stuff out of her hands.

"Trying out for a sport?" Cindy asked when she saw my White Lotus gym clothes.

"Yeah sure." I said as I pushed her out and slammed the door. I couldn't take her anymore. 

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