Part 21

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"Lola!" Said a hushed voice in the dark. Someone's shaking me. "Lola!" They said again.

I open my eyes to see Carter standing in front of me. His hair is a mess, he had dark circles under his eyes and he looked worried. "I packed some stuff of yours I thought you might want to keep." He threw a bag on my bed.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "What are you doing? It's the middle of the night." I said as I open the bag. It has my family scrapbook, my camo jacket, my black boots, some drawings and a couple of books.

"We need to leave. One of our spies has informed us that the government knows that the Avatar is alive, but we don't know, if they know it's you." He handed me some paper and a pen. "Write a note if you want." He said.

Suddenly the room was spinning, I couldn't focus, I couldn't breath. "I'm not leaving." I said.

Carter sighed. "We're taking Jenna too. She's the future Firelord and they government will connect her to you if they haven't already. And don't worry, her Aunt and sister are coming with too."

I stood up and looked into his eyes that looked dead. "What about my mom?"

Carter shook his head. "No, they must remain in the dark. We must go. Now."

He grabbed my arm, but I burned his hand with fire. "OW!" He howled. "What's wrong with you?"

I stood in a fighting position. "I'm not leaving!"

He sighed and looked down. "I'm sorry." I was about to ask what about, but he caught me off guard and he air bent me to the ground. I fell into my closet. Carter pinned me down and shot something in my arm. Then I had a flashback:







I woke up limp, and my eyes flickering open. I felt strong arms carrying me. I heard a familiar voice, "Its okay Aunt Mai, the elevator is new." Jenna? No it sounded different, oh she had been crying. My vision was blurry and the noises were to loud but I heard voices. Familiar ones.

"Is she okay?"

"See this is why you can't trust a teenager."

"She's fine! I just had to give her a drug to make her sleep. She's barely awake but, she can't move." That was Carter. The little traitor drugged me. I felt anger but I was too tired and weak to fight.

I felt my body laying on a bed. Wait...the bed was moving. They pushed me down hallways with bright lights and screaming people. Finally they lifted me off, and placed me on a real bed. They strapped my arms and legs down.

Then I fell asleep again. I woke up and my eyes burst open. I felt the anger boil inside of me. I screamed for Jenna. But nobody came. I screamed again for Reina. Yet again no one came. I started firebending from my mouth. Fire burst out of my mouth as I screamed. When I finished my throat was dry and scratchy.

Three people came in with water, they all were wearing scrubs. One of them knelt beside me and helped me drink it.

Afterwords I asked, "Where am I? Who are you? Where's Jenna?"

One lady said, "Calm Avatar, we are at the White Lotus and we are here to help. And you can't see Jenna right now."

I felt my eyes bug. "What did you do to Jenna? And if I can't speak to her, can I speak to Reina?"

As they were leaving they said, "I'm sorry but you can not." Then the door shut. And I was alone, screaming.

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