Part 31

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"Good morning." My mom greeted me, she kissed my head as I made breakfast.

"How did you sleep?" Reina asked.

"Good." I replied.

"Hey, Lola, can you pucker-I mean pass the milk?" Jenna asked with a innocent smile.

"Yeah...uh...sure." I stared back at her. She didn't know did she?

A couple minutes passed and Reina asked, "Hey, where's Carter?"

"I'm right here." a voice said in the doorway to the dining room. I turned around to see Carter in a dark green jacket, white shirt, and jeans. "Sorry, I'm late." he said as he sat down next to me.

I could tell Jenna was holding in laughter, when she asked, "It's alright. It's not like me kissed- I mean missed you."

Reina shook her head. "Carter, you need to be up earlier. Even Lola was up before you."

He gave an annoyed sigh as he made himself some breakfast. "What about Leo?"

"He's out on a nature walk." said his mother, "What's your excuse?"

"Sorry, mom. It won't happen again." he said with a small smile.

"If it happens again, then you'll have extra work." She warned.

Jenna got up, with a smile on her face, and put her bowl in the sink. She spun around to face Carter and I. "So," she said with a weird tint to her voice, "you guys check out the garden?"

I looked down and blushed. "Um, yeah it was...nice."

I picked at my food as he cleared his throat and said, "Uh... I went out there. It was really nice."

"I saw it from my window, it looked wonderful, and romantic." She replied in a teasing voice.

Carter and I looked at each other in the corner of our eyes then we both quickly looked away as Reina said, "Yeah, it really is amazing. Now," she stood up, "we need to get to get to work."

I could tell Jenna was battling between asking me about my kiss with Carter, and just keeping it in and to tease us innocently, pretending she doesn't know. Finally she gave in when her and I were sweeping the front stone steps.

"Okay, I can't hold it in any longer." she said. "How was it?"

"I don't know what you mean." I replied innocently.

Jenna clicked her tongue and said while shaking her head, "You know what I mean." she leaned in closer and whispered, "The kiss...?"

I let out a sigh as she smiled. I could feel my cheeks warming up. "I knew that noise was you. was...warm."

"What were you guys talking about?" Jenna asked bugged eyed.

"He told me why Leo hates me." I said in a grumpy voice. Before she could say anything I added, "And don't ask. I'll tell you tonight."

Only a few seconds passed before she asked, "Are you guys a couple now?"

"No-I...I don't know!" I said angrily. Then I got hit with a mental image of Spencer. " can't."

Jenna stopped and she looked at me scared like. "Is it Spencer?"

I stopped sweeping. "I don't know if I feel guilty because, I left him alone when everyone thinks he's a criminal, or because I kissed Carter."

She was about to say something, but Reina came up to us and asked, "Hey, can you guys go through the nature trail and make sure there isn't any branches or anything on the path? It's only a mile long. We'll have Leo and Carter do the longer one."

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