Part 3

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I hopped in the car as Jenna cheered. "Finally Ms. Introvert is going to a game!"

I sighed, "Jenna how did you get this car?" I asked.

"It's my sister's car, and before you say anything I borrowed it, I didn't steal it!" She said with a evil grin.

I just smiled. This girl was a special type of stupid.

We drove to the game as she looked over at me. "What's wrong Lola?"

I laughed, "Well the driver of the car I'm in doesn't even have a license!"

She laughed. "No, That's not it. What's eating you?"

I sighed and frowned. "Well my brother said I betrayed the world by being born."

Jenna winced. "Ouch. Why'd he say that?" She asked as she made a sharp turn.

"Well my mom brought up the whole, "He isn't bringing me to school" thing, and typically my dad sided with Ward."

Jenna shook her head, "Dang Lola, I'm sorry." Jenna didn't really understand because she lived with her Aunt and sister her whole life, and her Aunt is also a fire-bender.

We pulled up to the school and walked to the stadium. We paid for our tickets and sat down. "How much do you wanna bet that Spencer won't be playing tonight?" Jenna asked. Spencer was on the football team, and good too, but the coach probably heard about his bending, so he won't let him play.

"Bet you ten bucks that Cindy won't be here." Jenna said, elbowing my arm.

"Did they even break up?" I asked.

Jenna nodded. "Yeah, Cindy had a whole breakdown on Boomtalk."

Boomtalk was a popular social media at our school, where you could posts your thoughts and pictures.

We watched the game, and Spencer as he sat at the bench doing nothing. He didn't get put in the entire game. Afterwards we were walking back but we saw Cindy and some guy kissing underneath the bleachers.

"Well, would you look at that." I said with a smirk. "Over him already?"

Jenna laughed back, then yelled, "Hey Cindy make sure your lips don't get stuck!" As soon as she said it, she grabbed my arm and ran.

We laughed and ran as we came to the car. "Did you think she heard us?" Jenna asked.

I laughed. "Us? No it was YOU! And yes of course she heard you!" We both laughed.

We didn't notice Spencer and his buddies pull into the parking lot next to our car and they were laughing too.

Spencer shouted, "Hey!" I turned around to see him coming out of the car toward us, he had black fingerless gloves on and he had long black hair. "Hey what's up?" He asked.

My heart stopped. What do I say? Wait how do I talk again? Who am I? Why was he even talking to me? I got the nerve to say, "Hi, and nothing much." Nothing much? I made it sound like I was super boring!

He smiled, "Well listen-" he didn't finish because Cindy came over,

"Hey Spencer you do remember that this is an earthbender you're talking to?" She smiled a evil grin that I wanted to slap. I felt so embarrassed.

He cleared his throat, "What?"

Cindy sighed, "Yeah, you do realize that this is the earthbender at our school...pebble master?"

He backed away from me. "Uh sorry, I don't want any trouble." He then hopped in his friend's car and they drove off.

Jenna and I were jaw dropped and we turned to Cindy who was smirking. "What the heck is wrong with you?" Jenna yelled.

I turned bright red. "Yeah what's your deal?"

Cindy smirked. "Oh, so Pebble Master does speak. I thought it was only s'more maker."

I turned so angry I was about to blow, Jenna stopped me, and we left watching Cindy laugh.

When we pulled up to my house I turned to Jenna. "Do you just wanna spend the night?" I asked.

She smiled. "Sure." She locked the car and hopped on a huge rock that I was also standing on. How she never got caught stealing her sister's car, I'll never know. But when we had sleepovers it was always secret.

I earth bent us up to my window and we crawled in.

She slept on a cot and I slept on my bed.

"What would you do if you were the wrecker?" I asked Jenna.

She shrugged, "I dunno. Probably first: kick Cindy's butt cause no one can stop me. And two: rule the world."

I laughed, "Me too." Then we both fell asleep. The next morning I just grabbed breakfast and told mom I wanted to go on the bus. I snuck Jenna breakfast and we got to her sister's car, and drove to school. Our first class: History on the Avatar. 

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