Part 14

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Mom and dad came home just a few minutes after I did. Ward didn't come home until late that night. Before I went to bed I saw on Boom Talk that him and Cindy were at a party at some big house. He came home in the middle of the night. I heard the door close and a light turn on.

Little did Ward know that mom had been waiting all night for him. "Where were you?" She asked him.

He sighed, I could practically feel him rolling his eyes "Cindy and I went out." I heard him throw his shoes on the floor.

"Really? Because I looked over Lola's shoulder and I saw a picture of you and Cindy at a party."

Great...she brought me into this.

"Okay so we went to a party. Big deal." Ward said with annoyance.

Mom sighed. "It is a big deal because if it weren't for your sister I would have no idea where you were! And you have a curfew!"

"Oh, wow Lola! Lola this, Lola, that. Can you just stop talking about your precious earth bender for one second?"

He stomped up the stairs and mom called out, "You're grounded for two weeks!"

I heard dad open my parents bedroom. "What!?" Dad and Ward exclaimed at the same time.

"This is ridiculous!" Dad shouted, "What about Lola skipping school, huh? She only got ONE WEEK!"

"That's because she couldn't take the bullying!" Mom shouted back.

I could hear Ward stomp to his room and slam his door. Dad raced downstairs. "No, one week!" Dad shouted.

"No! I've made up my mind!" Shouted mom.

They argued for a while back and forth. Then I finally fell asleep.

The next morning went by slow. I had to take the bus, so that was awful. I finally walked into school and went straight to my locker.

Jenna was already standing there. Wearing black leggings and a red hoodie. "Hey, Lola!" She said, "I went to your house last night, and you weren't there. Where were you?"

My books almost slipped out of my hands. "Umm...the woods."

Jenna raised an eyebrow. "Is that right?" she studied me for a second. "You were with a guy weren't you?" She asked with a sly smile.

She could tell by my blush that I had been with a guy.

She started jumping up and down. "Who?"

"Car--Spencer." I said. I couldn't stop the redness flood my cheeks.

"Oh, so who is this Car?" She asked with a devilish grin.

I slammed my locker. "No! I was just out in the woods. Learning."

Jenna laughed. "Oh honey, you're horrible at keeping secrets."

We both went to our classes than after what seemed like forever we had lunch. Jenna and and I sat together.

"So who were you with last night?" She presses.

Then I break. Under a hushed voice I tell her everything. She nodded, gasped, and even said, "That Carter sounds annoying." She still had her jaw dropped. "Wow Lola. I'm ready whenever you are." She said as she ate her flaming fire flakes.

I nodded. "Yeah, so be ready because we might even have one tonight." But we didn't. I sat on my bed wondering if Carter was going to come in through the window and moment but he didn't. 

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