Part 9

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"Hmmmm...nothing..." I said slowly.

Cindy glared at me and then ran to Ward.

Jenna pretended to vomit. "Wow, they are absolutely the worst couple ever." I nodded. "Tell me about it."

As we walked down the hallway, rushed teens flooded the hallway. I walked slowly, I saw in the corner of my eye a boy walking towards me. He was wearing a scarlet hoodie covering most of his face. I could see his nose and mouth. As he got closer he was glowing. He ran towards me. I covered my face with my bag.

"What's the matter Lola?" Jenna asked. I moved my bag. He disappeared. "Nothing, I just thought I saw someone."


It was after school and I sat on my bed leaning against the wall on my phone scrolling on Boomtalk. All I saw were pictures of Ward and Cindy. Which their couple name was "Windy".

My mom tapped on my door. She stuck her head out, "Hey Lola, your father is having dinner guests tonight."

"Who is it?"


I sat at the table trying to hide my shock. Spencer and his parents were our dinner guests.

As I munched on salad I looked in the corner of my eye; Spencer and I both glanced at each other then looked away. Our dads talked about work and their new project. After dinner the parents talked in the living room, and Ward went to Cindy's, and Spencer and I were in my basement watching a movie.

"So... uh...we still on for Friday?" He asked.

I couldn't stop the redness flood my cheeks. "Yeah."

It was quiet until I asked how football was going.

"I was kicked off the team." He replied grimmly.

"I'm sorry." I said, rubbing the back of my head.

He shook his head. "It's not your fault. Coach kicked me off because I'm a bender."

I sighed. "I know what that's like."

He sighed too. "Listen, I'm sorry the way I treated you. Cindy-"

I shook my head. "It's okay. She probably threatened to tell the school about your bending."

He nodded in shame. "Yeah..."

"Does your mom and dad know?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm surprised they brought me. They practically hate me." He said looking down.

"I'm dad is like that, he hates me." I said with flashing memories of him screaming at me.

"Do you even wish the world embraced bending? Like, I got lessons but I did them in shame." He asked me.

I nodded. I felt the same way.

The next day at school the glowing boy was on my mind. What was he? Who was he?

Jenna and I talked about days to learn firebending at her house as we walked home.

"So every chance we get?" She asked with a chuckle.

I nodded. "Basically."

Then we had to make our way to own houses. I walked up my stairs and opened the front door. No one was home. I went upstairs and opened my door. The glowing boy was standing in my room, but he wasn't glowing. He was grinning, and wearing almost a full scarlet/yellow suit. His hood only covered his forehead.

"So you are the beautiful Avatar Lola." He said. 

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