Part 12

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I was standing in front of Avatar Aang's great granddaughter and I was standing next to his great great grandson.

I think I looked really scared because she put a hand on my shoulder and said in a smooth voice, "Lola, it's okay. We're here to help. I'm Reina."

I sat on the couch in the room, and Carter sat next to me. "By the way mom, she hates the word 'Avatar'."

Reina scoffed. "Well, of course she does! Imagine if you lived in a world where the Avatar was hated!"

Carter cleared his throat. "Mom I do live in that world."

She rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean!" Reina sat in front of me as I shook. "Lola, I know you're scared. We are here to help, we have some benders here, that have trained their whole lives to train you. It's okay. The government will never find you and/or us."

Carter stood up. "You wanna know why? Because I told everyone about the cameras in the phones!"

Reina turned around/ "Honey, I'm sorry, but right now I need you to shut up."

He crossed his arms and sat back down. She turned back to me. "Okay Lola, right now Carter is going to get you some water to drink," she said as she glared at him. "and I will go to the high members of the White Lotus and tell them that you are here."

Carter shot up. "Since I'm the one you brought her here do I get a better job?" He said with a cocky smile.

Reina gave a weak smile. "Probably not, but I'll put in a good word."

They both walked out. They left me. Alone. Strange room. It had two bookshelves with a desk in between and the wall to its right had the couch and the wall to its left had a map. I sat in fear and wonder. As I tapped my feet Carter came in with a cup of water.

He smiled. "Hey, how you doing?"

I smiled back. "Not to bad, I'm just really nervous." He sat next to me and handed me the water. I took a couple of sips and placed the cup on the ground.

"What did you mean by 'A better job'?" I asked.

Carter sighed. "Well I'm only a washing boy. I wash the white lotus uniforms, and I hate it. I was sent to get you by my mother who believed in me, plus she thought someone close to your age would help you be a little more comfortable."

I nodded. "Yeah, it kinda did." I stared at his blue arrow tattoos. I knew what they were.

A kid in class asked what they were when he saw Avatar Aang.

Carter caught me staring. "Yes, I know they're awesome." He flashed a half smile.

I blushed. "Sorry, I just have never seen airbender tattoos in person, your's and your moms are amazing!"

He snickered. "Yeah but they got the shade wrong of mine. See? This arrow on my right hand is a bit darker than the rest."

I shook my head. "I don't see it."

He frowned. "Really? Nobody can see it but me!"

That's when his mom walked in. "What can nobody see but you?" She asked. "Oh, is it that thing you say that the arrow on your right hand is a darker blue?"

He nodded. "Yeah!"

Reina rolled her eyes then said, "Lola, I told the council you were here and they want you to prove you're the Avatar."

I stood up. "What? How did YOU know I was the Avatar? Can't you give them that evidence?"

Reina walked closer. "Well, after the air avatar...died... we had a several members go to each hospital of Earth State. The member that was at your hospital placed a some water by each baby and they would see what would happen. You... you froze the water. But the council still thought that maybe you had some water tribe blood in you, so they marked you off the list. And when you hurt your back the other day, somehow it made Raava stronger and more alive and Carter could feel her. But that's not enough for the council. They want to see you. You bending at least two elements." 

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