twenty nine

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double update :')

Eve's POV

"You've been on your phone all night Niall, turn it off and socialize with us," James pleaded once the fourth movie we had watched ended.

He was right, Niall had been oblivious to our company the whole night, his eyes glued to his phone and his thumbs never stopping their movements. He was usually the rowdiest of us all, his demeanor completely changing ever since his phone lit up as soon as he arrived.

"Who's he texting anyway?" I asked, sliding up the couch to try and look over Niall's shoulder.

"That girl he met at the club a few weeks back when we went," Elise chimed in knowingly, slotting another DVD into the machine and pressing play. "Arina, I think her name was."

My mouth dropped open, "You met someone?"

"I did, but you were too busy kissing that bloke to notice," Niall chided teasingly, making me wince in disgust about the kiss that I regretted terribly.

I was quiet for the rest of the movie, my head on Niall's shoulder and my fingers playing with the drawstring of his sweatshirt. Thinking about that kiss with that boy made me feel so uneasy, bringing up a whole lot of memories that I didn't want to resurface.

It made me remember how much I had hurt Harry, an indescribable emotion flowing through me as he looked at me with his dull, murky eyes at the restaurant. I don't think I'd be able to forget the fragmented tones that resonated in his voice when he called me out on it, or the way his face crumbled when I used the time he drunkenly slept with a girl as leverage to dismiss my stupid actions.

My phone buzzed in my hands, bringing me out of my scornful reminiscing and back into reality. I excused myself from my friends and walked into the privacy of the kitchen, glancing at the name that was flashing across the screen; Harry Styles.

"Hello?" I answered, eager to talk to him after remembering such an awful period of our relationship.

"Eve, are you busy?" He asked, his voice rushed and slightly slurred.

"Why? Is everything okay?" I interrogated, sitting myself down on a stool as I waited for his reply. Loud noises erupted from his side of the receiver, the low hum of drowned out music and car horns breaking through his seemingly small voice.

"I-I, um... Could you please come get me?" He whispered, his voice cracking slightly from his plea.

"Harry, did something happen? Where are you?" I asked, a little more panicked. Hearing him sound so vulnerable was slowly chipping away at my sanity, my chest heaving a little faster trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Pl- please just, come and pick me up Evie,"

"Okay, okay Harry, text me the address, I'll be there soon."

I felt awful feeding my friends a lie in order to go find out what was wrong with Harry, but the way he sounded on the phone made my stomach churn, the wretchedness of his voice causing me to think the worst. It was undeniable that I had strong feelings for him, and there was no doubt in my mind that I would drop everything I was doing just to make sure he was okay.

There were rarely any times when he exposed himself like this to me, he knew how to hide what he was feeling, and he was very good at doing it. He had a lot of practice with Alice during the divorce, having to stay strong for her while they rebuilt their new lives. It was easy to tell that Harry was still broken, that pieces of him were still scattered all over the floor, just waiting for someone to pick them up and place them back in their rightful places.

Nothing [Harry Styles AU] - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now