Chapter 63 | Games

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Once I finally got some food and water in me, my strength started to return. However, my body still had a ways to heal before I'd be deemed fit to go out again. Alpha Emory had called another meeting, this time with me present to discuss what happened to me when I was kidnapped. Sybil and Talos helped me get to my feet, but after nearly falling on the floor because they were so frail, we decided it was best to get a wheelchair from the infirmary. Talos wheeled me along while Sybil walked beside me, still not acting like her normal self, but I suppose it was normal enough. I guess in times like these, just keeping it together was enough. 

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As I entered the room, a relived look appeared on the faces of everyone in the room. "Good to see you safe, Delilah." Alpha Emory spoke from the head of the long table. He looked tired, as did many others present. We all got comfortable in our sets before Emory launched into the questions. "So I know you've been a high priority target of Hallow's for a while now. Can you think of any reason why they would strike now?"

"No." I shook my head. "If they had it their way, I would have died months ago." 

"Did the wolves who kidnapped you have anything interesting to say?"

"No, but I'll tell you what was interesting." He leaned forwards in his chair, listening intently. "They were hired by Hallow to dart me and keep me contained. The Alpha Hallow himself was going to pay me a visit. And decide what to do with me."

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At that the table burst into a frenzy of whispers and chatter. Talos' eyes were wide with shock and disbelief, Sybil covered her face with her hands, and something seemed to wash over Emory. I'm not sure if it was a sense of dread or a realization of the shit we were in. Beta Levon who was seated next to me, leaned in close to ask something. "How did you get out?" His tone was cold and serious. I gave a careful look around before answering, my voice lowered.

"I shifted into the Beast." At my response he raised his eyebrows, as well as giving Talos a surprised glance. 

"Welcome to the family." He muttered with a smirk, leaning back in his chair. Part of me was a little confused, but I thought it best to keep my mouth shut.

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"Quiet down!" Emory boomed, and the company around the table quickly fell silent. He placed his hands down on the table, a look of concentration on his face. "Believe it or not, we have the upper hand here." Everyone seemed to share the same sense of bewilderment. 

"Would you explain your workings here, Alpha?" Delta Winston asked with a hint of bewilderment.

"Hallow made a move. A small move, yes. But a move none the less. And Delilah escaping was a move on our behalf. The ball is back in their court, and if they want to save face, they'll have to make one soon. Or otherwise not only do they risk looking scared of us, but the longer they leave it, the more time we have to prepare defenses." Murmurs of understanding rippled around the table. "We keep everything on lock down for now. No one leaves the territory without consulting me. Bring in everyone from town who can help. Double patrols. I don't want a fight, but I do want to be prepared in case we have one." Another round of agreements. 

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