Chapter 24 | Confession

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Alpha Emory and I chatted for a little while, until I ran out of tea and he finished his second cup of brandy. After that, I went back to my room, while he had some business to attend to. Sybil and Reiner were waiting for me when I got back, sitting on the edge of the bed chatting away. "Hey D, how was chatting with Emory? We were going to get you, but then we heard you two talking and thought it best not to interrupt." Sybil exclaimed. 

"Yeah, it was good. Nice getting some things of my chest." I came down and sat beside her glancing over at Reiner. Knowing what I did now, I understood why he seemed kind of familiar. He had the same shaped face as Emory and Talos' nose. It was pretty clear he was of Stone blood whether some people liked it or not. Sybil let out a relieved sigh, looking clearly happier now that I was some what okay. "Good, I'm glad to hear. I was just telling Reiner about you and whats been happening." My chest lurched for a moment. Telling Reiner about what exactly...

"So your the one who nearly put Jericho into a rage induced coma." He beamed with a large silly smile. "Oh man, I can not tell you how curious I was when I saw him yesterday, so furious that I thought his head was gonna pop. Like a big red zit." 

"Oh if you think that's funny, he nearly tried to kill me while I was doing my laundry the other day." I retorted. At that Reiner burst out into a howl of laughter, throwing himself back onto the bed, absolutely beside himself. 

"Oh yeah. Forgot about that." Sybil mused with a smile as Reiner still cackled away. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Their laughter helped lighten my mood some what, but I still felt a bit shaken from the sight I had witnessed before.

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The pair of them hung around for a little while, mainly just talking shit about Jericho and that day that I arrived here. It was fun, warming almost. But after a while Reiner had to leave, he had something to discuss with a Delta named Cansu and Sybil had to own stuff to attended too. Soon I was left by myself, with my on thoughts. It was nice to finally have a quiet moment after the rush of all this stuff going on. Delilah?

Yeah, Onyx?

Where do we go from here? It was a good question. One I wasn't sure I had the answers to. Alpha Emory had asked a favor of us, one that wasn't to be taken likely. And knowing what I knew now about Talos, I didn't really know what to feel anymore. I was scared of what he could become. Emory was scared of it too. But still, even now, the bond pulled at me. Like the ebb and flow of waves. Whispering; find him, hold him, touch him. The ball was really in his park now. It was up to Talos to come forwards and say something about what happened. It's his call. At that Onyx grumbled and slinked back into my subconscious. What? Do you have a better idea?

He's our mate. We shouldn't be playing this silly waiting game. Someone was snarkier than usual today.

This isn't just about you, you know? I have to put up with him too. Onyx and I rarely disagreed on things, and it was strange that she was speaking out about it. She only growled some more before sulking off again, clearly not bothered enough to properly argue about it. I curled up in my bed wrapping myself up in the duvet. Feeling strangely comforted and lonely at the same time.

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I lay there by myself for a while. Wanting to go to sleep, but still to early to do so. After some time, I heard a soft rhythmic knock on my door. Tap... tap tap... tap tap tap... tap. A familiar tug pulled in my heart. "Delilah," A soft deep voice. "Can I come in?" Regret. 

"Yes." I answered. The knob of the door slowly turned. Talos shuffled into the room, his shoulders slumped, head hanging low. His sun brushed skin looking paler, and blood from cuts on the back of his hands. In that moment my heart was breaking. Such a noble strong man looked so... ruined. In an instant I was sitting upright. He made his way over and sat on the edge of the bed, leaning his head on one of the four bedposts. He wouldn't met my gaze. Tears stung at the corners of my eyes. He wouldn't meet my gaze. "I'm sorry." His head moved down until he was holding it in his hands. "I'm so sorry..." He barely more than breathed. I slowly moved to his side. My hand tentatively reached out and lay itself on his shoulder blade Even over his shirt, he was so warm. "It's who you are. You don't need to be sorry about that." My hand moved across  his back in smooth circles, he lent into my touch. 

"I scared you. You looked terrified." That I couldn't deny. "I couldn't hold my emotions together. What if I had hurt you?" I didn't know what to say. I wouldn't know what I'd do if he had hurt me. 

"Lets not think about that for now. I'm just glad your alright." My arms slowly wrapped around him in a tender embrace, one that he returned. 

"Thank you." He mumbled into my shoulder as he drew his strong arms tighter around me. We stayed like that for a moment, the bond singing in my chest. Even Onyx, who was pouting before, was happy. He buried his face into the crook of my neck, the way his lips brushed over my skin sent a buzzing feeling through my body. I almost didn't want it to stop. But I knew better, we both did. When we broke apart, Talos already seemed brighter. "Come on, we should probably get to lunch." A light chuckle escaped me before I nodded in agreement. We both made our way downstairs to the rest of pack. And while he still sat to the left of his father at the head table, and I with the rest of the pack, we couldn't help but glance at one another all through the meal. 

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