Chapter 49 | Want

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It was a strange kind of day. My favorite. But I was uneasy. Last night after Lucida Sidera, I helped Reiner into bed and left him drunkenly blabbering into his pillow about how he would probably date Maritza if he wasn't aware that she could kick his ass. "She knows to much, man! She could fuck me up psychically AND emotionally. Can't have that." Then I plopped into a happy giddy mess on my bed, and drifted off into one of the most restful sleeps I'd had in awhile. But it was strange. I hadn't seen Delilah at all today. I'd been keeping an eye out for her, even looking for her a bit. The bond was pulling strongly today. It started out fine, until around mid-morning when flared up quite dramatically. Confusion, anger, sadness. They all pulsed down the connection like violent Morse code. Then it grew quiet for a while, before there was nothing but glowing happiness. It had been a little while since that moment. Now I was looking out across the lake, while our patrol party was going over it's findings for the day. It was an uneventful patrol, with nothing really of interest to report. However I couldn't deny that they were essential to the safety of the pack.

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I talked with my group by the shore for a little while. Then my ears pricked at the sound of someone walking towards us. "Oh hey, Delilah." Hamish said with a friendly smile. At the mention of her name, I quickly turned to see her. And there was something about her. She seemed... lighter. The smile on her face was practically glowing. My heart couldn't help but flutter. Every time I saw her, it was like the first time. "Hi guys." She greeted as she floated up to us. "Do you mind if I talk to you for a minute, Talos?"

"Not at all. You guys can head back to the house if you want." I dismissed the others, and they all trickled off, chatting among themselves. Now it was just the two of us. "So, how did you like Lucida Sidera?" I asked her, trying to break into the conversation naturally.

"It was really fun. A lot different from what I'm used to. And despite Florence and Luke and all that, I still had a good time." She sighed softly. "So you know, today's my last day."

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It suddenly seemed like a rock had just dropped in my stomach. I'd completely forgotten. I had just got so caught up lately with Delilah being here, and spending time with her, it never occured to me that there was a possibility she would leave. "It's been that long already, huh?" She chuckled softly at my response.

"It sure as hell doesn't feel like it's been a month." Another deep breath. "It's been a big whirlwind of shit I never expected to happen. I wandered into your territory completely on accident, with no thought as to what could happen next. And before I know it, I'm offered sanctuary in one of the strongest packs in the world, pissed off one incredibly short tempered Delta, and found my mate while I was just trying to get some laundry done." I couldn't help but laugh softly at her breakdown of her first day.

"It's a strange life. But I wouldn't have it any other way." She looked up at me, her sapphire eyes wide. Glittering with tears that were threatening to bubble over.


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"I want to stay."

My heart skipped a beat.

"I want to stay with this pack, and these people, and you. I want you." Her voice was starting to crack as happy tears began to trickle down her cheeks. My own eyes began to water. "You've all been nothing but caring and honest people people. You've been my family when I don't have one. And you're my mate, Talos. How could I not want you. You're beautiful." Before I knew it, I had my arms wrapped around her, hoisting her up, and I was kissing her. Finally. I was kissing her for now, and for all the times I wanted to over these past few weeks. And she was kissing me back. Passionately. Full of desire. Our bond was screaming with joy. The cup was not half full or empty. It was overflowing. Finally. I'd been playing this moment over and over in my head, hoping that it would happen. It was so much better than I could have ever dreamed. Her lips were so soft and warm. They melded into mine, like they belonged to be intertwined with one another. Her hands cupped my face, pulling me towards her. A tear dripped down my cheek. Nothing would ever make me happier than this moment with Delilah. When I lowed her down, and we broke apart after what seemed like a blissful eternity, we held one another close for a while. "I'm so happy you're my mate. That it's you." At that, she let out a soft sniffle before looking up at me with a smile.

"I wouldn't want any one else."

It's happening boys and girls

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It's happening boys and girls. After so long, Delilah has finally decided to stay with Stone Pack! But what will this mean for the pack? And what stories will unfold? Stay tuned!

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