Chapter 48 | Place

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I woke that morning with a warmth in my heart, but a pit in my stomach. Today was my last day of sanctuary here at Stone Pack, and now I had to decide if I wanted to stay for good. Or leave. My left over good mood from the other night slowly faded away in the light of the situation I was in. We have to choose. Onyx voiced from inside of me. You know where I stand, I pray you make the right choice. She faded back into my subconscious before I could respond.  I couldn't help but sigh and rub my face in frustration, before deciding this would be better thought over in the shower. As I stood under the warm water, and watched it drip down the black marble, my thought kept going back to what I would gain from leaving. I would be free to do as I wanted. Nothing could hold me back from anything that I wanted to do. There was no danger of Hallow hurting Stone Pack to get to me. But I was leaving so much behind. 

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 It was at times like these, I wished my parents were still around. But they're gone. And they're not here to answer all my questions. I finally needed to make a choice for myself, and I can't do it. Because I can't let go of the people in my life that are already gone. Frustrated tears began to form in my eyes. "Just make a decision! It's not that hard!" I yelled to myself. All my life I had these crutches to lean on for support, and now that it was time for me to walk, I couldn't even take the first step. The tears on my face blended seamlessly with the water from the shower. "Choose! What are you so afraid of?! You coward!" I lashed out and struck the marble wall with my fist. Pain shot through my hand as the skin on my knuckles split. Leaking red blood down my arm and into the drain. I slumped down onto the wet ground and cried. I just needed to get everything I was feeling out of me. 

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 After a little while, I got to my feet and dried myself off. Wiping away the water, blood, and tears. I just wanted to get out of the house for a bit. Once I got changed, I quickly made my way outside. Trying my best to avoid people and get caught up in the Lucida Sidera clean up. It was a warm overcast day out by the edge of the lake, and I found myself sitting down on a large boulder a good way from the path that leads back to the house. Sunlight streamed down in between the gaps in the clouds, illuminating spots on the lake's smooth mirror like surface. It was a lot clearer out here, and it helped clear my mind. I carefully picked up a stone from the shore, and tossed it into the water. I listened to the sound it make as it hit the water. It was a single melodic note. So I picked up another, and another, until I was playing a delicate song, chord by chord. A song that plucked at the strings of my heart. I think I had made up my mind. So I stood up from my perch, and strode forward to the house to tell Alpha Emory of my decision. And with each stride I took towards that great big house, I grew more and more sure of myself. This was best for everyone. 

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My fist stung a bit as I rapped gently on the door of Alpha Emory's office. I wasn't sure that he was in for a moment, until I heard him boom. "Come in." I carefully peered around the door. "Oh! Delilah, it's you! Do take a seat." His big Alpha demeanor dropped down, and now he was talking to me like a dad. "Did you enjoy Lucida Sidera last night? Olivia did a fantastic job at organizing it all. I couldn't have done it, even if I am an Alpha. Sometimes things need a Luna's touch to really dazzle." He said with a bright smile.

"Yeah, I had a lot of fun. It was great meeting everyone. I had no idea so many people would be invited." 

"If there is anything Stone Pack is good at, it's networking." We made small talk for a bit about Lucida Sidera and Reiner's drinking before we got to the topic I was really here about. 

"So, it's that time already?" He asked. 

"Yes. It's hard to believe a month has gone by already. It feels like it's been barely anytime at all."

"A month ago you sat in the same chair, a scraggly pup with nowhere to go. And now you sit in that chair, a strong she-wolf. But one thing hasn't changed." A raised a questioning eyebrow. "You hold your head high, and you look me in the eye." 

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 Emory lent back in his chair, his green eyes twinkling with a wise gleam. "I remember distinctly, when I asked you why you were here, you said 'by chance of circumstance'. And I've got to tell you, Delilah. I don't think that's true. I think you were supposed to come to us, whether it be the Goddess will or the tides of fate. You are good for this pack." A sad smile came across his face. "I remember the last time I saw your parents. It was a long time ago, they had just learned they were pregnant with you. Roland told me that they had been trying for a while, and they were nearly ready to give up, when you appeared. They were so excited." The two of us were both starting to get a little emotional. "They loved you from the moment you existed. And look at you now." I had never heard an Alpha's voice crack before. Much less the likes of one such as Emory Stone.  

"Well, Alpha. I've made up my mind." His eyes eagerly awaited my next words. "I want to stay." He all but ran around from his desk, and I barely had time to stand up before he embraced me in a bone crushing hug. One that I gladly reciprocated, as happy tears flowed down my cheeks. "Delilah, my girl, you will have a place in pack this until the day you die. And even then, you will have a place in our stars." It felt like I was holding my dad again. Like I was back home. 

Who's cutting onions in here, cause Jesus

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Who's cutting onions in here, cause Jesus. Oh man, how is everyone else going to react to the news. I can't wait to see Jericho's reaction, idk about ya'll. :P Also 1K READS!!!! THAT'S AMAZING!!! Thanks so much to all of you who have suck with me through the irregular updates, and angst. Much love, fam. ♥

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