Chapter 15 | Thought

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It took a while for me to feel comfortable enough to pick myself up off the floor. My limbs felt heavy and my face taut with tear tracks. Onyx felt shaky and jittery inside of me. We were a whole host of emotions. Happy that I'd found my mate. Scared of what this would mean in the future. Angry that it had happened today of all days. And generally confused about the whole situation I was in. One month. That was how long I was going to stay in Stone Pack. It was also how long Talos and I were going to go slow for. I would have to decide if I wanted to stay and become the Luna of one of the most power packs alive, and be with the person made to be with me. Or leave and be nothing more than a loner with a bounty on their head, and reject the one person I might truly be happy with and be horribly alone and brokenhearted, knowing that I'd had that chance and thrown it away. One would think that I would accept. Who wouldn't want to be the Luna of fucking Stone Pack?! Who would throw away their one chance at real true love? Maybe me. I did not want to bring the fate of my old pack to this one. My last home was destroyed and they had found me where ever I had laid my head since then. It was only a matter of time till Hallow Pack found me here. And when they got here, would Stone Pack even want me? Or would they storm this place too just to finish what they had started? I couldn't let these people die because of me. They did nothing to deserve this. Thoughts turned over and over in my mind as I trudged to the bathroom and filled up the bath with hot water. My own vacant expression stared back at me as my reflection wavered in the water. As I undressed and sunk myself into the almost scalding bath, I made a silent promise to myself. One that I intended to keep.

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After I felt like a swollen up prune, which was some hours later, I made my way back into my main bedroom wrapped in a towel. The grandeur of it took me by surprise again. I was still getting used to it. One of the Omegas must have got my laundry for me and delivered it while I was in the bath, because it was neatly folded in a basket on the end of my bed. For that I was extremely thankful, I really wanted to wear something that was my own. That belonged to me. I tossed on a baggy grey t-shirt and some tight jeans before slumping on my bed. Well. What now? My room was bare except for the writing desk with the computer on it and fire place. There was really nothing keeping me in my room, and now that I was feeling more composed, a walk around the place didn't seem like a bad idea. I exited my room and wandered downstairs to the second floor, with no real agenda, when I saw Maritza with a group of other pack members. They all flicked their gaze warily over at me for a moment, catching Maritza's attention. When she saw it was me her face relaxed into a smile. "Oh hey, Delilah! I'll catch up with you guys later." She exclaimed before making her way over to me. Her friends mumbled their goodbyes, still giving me strange looks.  "Hey Maritza. What's up?" 

"Not much, just milling around. You look good, fresher." I let out a soft chuckle at her comment. 

"Thanks, I guess." I didn't feel very fresh, and my face hurt a little bit from the crying, but at least I had other people fooled. 

"I heard that things got a little heated with you and Jericho in the laundry." Onyx was already bristling at the sound of his name. 

"Yeah, you could say that."

"I also heard that Talos ended up getting involved." My gaze quickly dropped to the floor.

"Yeah, it was... something. Jericho is probably still really pissed." At that remark, Maritza let out a snort of laughter.

"You could say that." We strolled down the halls of the second floor for a while, Maritza giving me a mini tour as we went. Picking out different apartments from others and giving brief run downs on who lived in them. Apparently the Yarrow twins liked to throw parties on full moons and Mrs Quail from next door was known to complain, unless she received an invite. It was nice spending time with someone who treated me normally. Not like I was the scum of the earth, or a precious new flower. Just a normal werewolf. I just wanted a friend. And the way Maritza was going at the moment, I would be happy to call her a friend. 

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We meandered down the stairs to the ground floor after Maritza had commented on every room on the floor. It wasn't hard to tell that she was rather opinionated on certain matters. "Have you seen the fountain yet?"

"No, I was kind of rushed in here. Didn't get that much time to look around." Maritza smiled.

"Even though I've lived here for five years, it's still one of the prettiest things." We rounded the staircase towards the sound of water, and it took my breath away. It was a big structure craved from shiny white granite that was laced with clear quartz, making it glitter even more. Two great wolves circled one another, with a great orb of marble between them. Half of the orb was  cratered and dented like the surface of the moon, while the other half was smooth black. It slowly spun as water flowed smoothly over it, shifting through the phases of the moon. It was truly impressive. And probably cost of small fortune. Maritza sat down in front of it and rested herself on the edge of the fountain, placing her head on her crossed arms, gazing wistfully into the waters. "I used to come here a lot when I was young, back when I first joined the pack. I would often get homesick or somehow make a fool of myself. It always brought me a strange sense of... claridad. Clarity." It was nice to hear something like this. Knowing that I wasn't the first person to have problems fitting in with the pack. And hopefully the fountain could bring me some clarity too. 

Sorry I've been gone for so long! Hopefully this chapter makes up for it! As always, feedback is welcome so please leave your thoughts in the comments!

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Sorry I've been gone for so long! Hopefully this chapter makes up for it! As always, feedback is welcome so please leave your thoughts in the comments!

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