Chapter 2 | Moving

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As I wandered through the center of town, I paused at a few stores to pick up some food for the road. I didn't know how long I would be traveling for, so I figured I best stock up while I still could. I cracked open a lemon soda as I walked hastily to the bus station. Onyx was itching to put as many miles between us and this town as possible. I couldn't say I disagreed with her. Thankfully, I shortly arrived at my destination. My eyes scanned the board, as I wondered where I wanted to go. There were a few buses going a couple of towns over, but that wasn't far enough. But then one caught my eye in particular, a bus heading to the airport.  Sure, it would blow just about all of my money getting a plane ticket, but it would be worth it. Anything would be worth it just to have some peace of mind that I would be safe. Even just for a little while. I bought my bus ticket and sipped on my soda while I waited for the bus to roll into the station. My foot was tapping impatiently. Thoughts wandered absentmindedly through my head. Thoughts that reminded my of a fonder time, and some that didn't. 

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A trio of friends breezed past as I still waited. They chuckled among themselves at some joke I wouldn't know of. A pang of bitter-sweetness seemed to grow taut in my chest.  They were huddled together, bundled up in sweaters to push out the chill of the late winter day. I remember me and my friends acting the same way. My best friend, Florence, and I would often go out for little gossipy coffee dates. Every now and then we would invite some of our other friends to come with us if they were free.  Vivian would come with us the most, she'd even ditch her training to come with. And even with all the classes she missed, she was still one of the best hunters. We liked having Ethan come with us as well. While he wasn't involved in much of the gossiping, he enjoyed the quieter company. Once saying that, "Don't get me wrong, hanging out with the boys is great and all. But when you're all Warriors in training, it gets a little competitive. There's been more than one chill movie night thats ended in a  wrestling match." 

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I also had a sneaking suspicion that he had a crush on Flo. Him and half the other males. She was beautiful. With her pristine straight white hair fashioned into an attractive bob, and eyes of emerald green. But as a Healer, she was forbidden by her oath to be with anyone other than her Moon destined mate. It was kind of a shame really. Vivian and I used to make up scenarios as if they were together, like who would be the big spoon and who would send the most cringey memes. (We came to the decision that both would be Ethan.) Flo used to take polaroids of all of us. She used to pin them to her wall in a huge collage. So many birthdays, Christmases, memories. Soon the harsh reality began to settle in again and I pulled my hood up over my head as a gloomy mood settled over my demeanor. Onyx whimpered inside my head. We missed our friends. What I wouldn't give to laugh with them again. Soon a bus that read 'Airport' on it in orange LEDs pulled up and I quickly climbed aboard, stifling a sniffle.

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I bundled up in my seat, pulling my knees up to my chest and leaning against the window. My breath fogging up on the window in front of me.  It was a little while before the bus left the station. A small was of relief washed over me. It already felt better to be on the move again. However, fond memories still lingered in my mind. One stood out in particular. I was sitting with my mother, Luna Ashara, in the living room. It was a quiet day, I must have been about 13; we were snuggled up on the couch in front of the fire. I would say we were having a discussion, but it was really just her talking and me listening. "Lilah, I can't wait for you to take over this family." She paused. "I'm not saying that I've grown tired of it, I'm saying that its so wonderful. It's such an honor to look out for these wonderful people." She let out a soft happy sigh. "You might not understand now. But you will one day, that each of these people are essential to what makes us a pack. Each and everyone of them is worthy. Especially you, my dear." I let out a small affectionate squeal as she kissed the top of my head. "One day, this will all be yours to care for. You'll find your mate; the love of your life, and together, you'll care for our pack. Our family." A small hot tear ran down my cheek as I watched the world from my window. 

Oh wow, this is a sad one

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Oh wow, this is a sad one. What were your thoughts on this chapter? 

Lemme know in the comments. :)

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