Chapter 40 | Eyes

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It was safe to say I was taken aback by Maritza's words. She never struck me as the kind of person that had something hanging over their head, but here she was. Admitting it to me.

"Not everyone here comes from a pretty place. In fact, most of us haven't. I know many people in this pack who have come from very broken places. Fighting rings, drug cartels, abusive homes, or just plain shitty situations. Stone Pack has always been seen as a strong noble pack, one of pure blood and fierce warriors. We are only fierce because of the kindness shown to us by Alpha Emory. He gave us a chance at a better life, somewhere safe where we won't be hurt anymore. And for that reason, we fight for this pack. So that we may stay safe, and remain a safe place for others." The young hunter before me was wise beyond her years. Her words struck a cord in me. Maritza was right. Life was good here, and everyone was loyal to a fault. "While I don't know much about you, I know, like so many other people here, that you have come from somewhere scary. I can see it in your face, in the way you hold yourself, like there is someone watching around every corner. Even though there are strangers at our borders, we will be safe. There are many who will fight for us. For you." Maritza gave me a gentle nudge with her elbow. All of a sudden I started to feel rather emotional, tears even threatened to prickle at my eyes. Even though she was battling with her own struggles, she was still going out of her way to make me feel safe and accepted here. I opened my arms wide and enveloped her in a big hug. My friend chuckled warmly as she returned the gesture.

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Since that moment, a few crazy days had passed. It was now the night before Lucida Sidera, and preparations were in full swing. The kitchen was closed for lunch and dinner so they could prep all the food for the coming feast. Everyone who wasn't on patrol or hunting duties, was helping set things up. Luna Olivia was buzzing round like a bee, followed round by her Beta and other organizers, making sure everything was going to be perfect for the big night. I myself was tasked with collecting fresh spring flowers from around the lake's edge. It was a calming and enjoyable task. The late morning air was still crisp and clean, and the sun had warmed the pebbles of the shore, so a comfortable warmth radiated from them. A comfortable smile was resting upon my face as I did my work. Then I noticed a small group of wolves loping gently through the trees off in the distance. I recognized a few of them from my class, but the one that stood out out to me was the large silver one at the front of the group. It suddenly occurred to me that I'd never seen Talos' wolf before. Even from a distance, his presence was dominating. The tone of his strong muscles under his star speckled fur, to the glint of his fangs. I couldn't help but admire from afar. My heart was pounding at the very sight of him, and Oynx yearned to run with him. And as my mate disappeared off into the trees, a sudden chill ran down my spine. I quickly looked around. For some reason I couldn't explain, it felt like I was being watched.

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Once I arrived back in the house after filling up my basket with all the flowers I could find, I spied an annoyed looking Jericho getting rather heated with a group of teenagers. He soon sent them off with a sharp point of his finger, and they quickly scuttled away with their tails tucked between their legs. That was when he spotted me. "You! Get here!" I couldn't help but pull a less than pleased face, before making my way over to him in my own sweet time.

"Can I help you?" My tone very obviously implying that I didn't want to help. At all.

"Now listen here, you stuck up brat." My fist was already clenched at my side. "The only reason I haven't outed your bond to Talos, is because then you'll have to stay, regardless of whether you like it or not. And I am holding onto the hope that you might decide to leave of your own volition." While I was just about ready to sock him in the face, he did have a point. It was in his best interest to keep quiet about me and Talos. "So, I'm going to give you a heads up. Folks are talking. Most people already know that Alpha Emory assigned Talos to help you get integrated into the pack, show you the ropes and what not. But it's been over three weeks now, and you guys still hang out a lot. People are noticing, some are even jealous. Who wouldn't want to be get cozy with a guy like Talos?" Much to my annoyance, he was making even more valid points. "All I'm saying is, chill out on the public displays of affection. Or do it behind closed doors. Especially at Lucida Sidera. I don't want to give the other Pack's attending the vibe that one of the most highly sought after werewolf bachelors is off the market." My expression turned into an awkward grimace. "What have you done?" Jericho asked instantly.

"Talos asked me to be his date, and I said yes." At this, the Delta craned his head back and let out a loud groan of audible frustration.

"Fine! Just keep the touching in public to a minimum, and if you're going to make it official, announce it soon. Otherwise other packs are going to start to try and hook their daughters up with your mate." At that statement, my face went red. Not in embarrassment, but in rage.

"I will fight any lowly bitch who even thinks she can-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell that to someone who cares. I gotta go." Jericho interrupted before storming off, to do who knows what. Yell at more teenagers probably.

Only one more day till Lucida Sidera! And lemme tell you, things are gonna go down in the best way

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Only one more day till Lucida Sidera! And lemme tell you, things are gonna go down in the best way. ;) Let me know what you think it going to happen, and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed!

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