Chapter 13 | Unbelievable

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I carefully poked my head around the door, checking if any one else was around. But lucky for me, there wasn't another soul in sight. I soon had my clothes loaded into one of the washing machines with a good heaping of washing powder. My eyes spied a small area off to the side with a pair of couches and an old TV playing the Lion King, which seemed like a good place as any to wait for my clothes to be done. So I sat myself down and pulled out my phone, which was returned to me along with my clothes, and tapped into the free wifi they had here. It was about twenty minutes before another person entered the room, I flicked my gaze up to see who it was and then quickly averted it. Jericho. He strode in with a bag full of clothes and quickly dumped them in a machine. It wasn't long before he realized he wasn't the only one in here. And when he saw me, he let out a guff 'humphf' before exclaiming, "Oh, it's you." I flashed him a beaming smile.

"Yeah, it's me. It's your favorite piece of shit." The tone of my voice could not have been more patronizingly cheerful.  However, he couldn't hold back the small grunt of amusement that slipped from him. 

"No, I'm afraid your at the bottom of the list." He shot me a rather vexed look. 

"Awww, boo. I thought I was at least in the top 3." I whined as he sat down in the couch opposite mine, clearly not wanting to be to close to me, and picked up an old magazine from the coffee table between us. 

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We were quiet for a while, the thrum of the washing machines and the dialogue of the movie filling the silence between us, while he flicked through the magazine and me on my phone. I looked over at him. His face was screwed up into an mess of annoyance and frustration. "Something wrong, Jeri?" I mused out loud. He suddenly slammed down his magazine on the table with a bang, making me jump.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" He burst out. "You just waltz on into our land with not a care in the world, make yourself at home here, all curled up like a sweet little lap dog in front of the hearth! All because for some fucking reason Alpha Emory has taken a liking to you and set you up all nice and snug. You don't belong here! You haven't earned the right to be here!" It took a few moments for the initial shock of his outburst to fade away, but it was quickly starting to be replaced with a slow burning anger. I straightened up in my seat, my deep blue gaze locking onto his grey one. 

"You know nothing about me." My tone was as sharp as it was venomous. "You don't know what I've been through to end up here of all places. You make it sound like I planned this all out. Like I've come to sow the seed of destruction in this pack. I'm not here because I want to be. I'm here because it means I don't die. And it would do you well to remember your lack of knowledge is why everything you say sounds so fucking stupid." Jericho was quiet for a moment, his eyes shifting from grey to silver over and over, his breathing deeper. And just as he shot up to his feet, another person walked into the room. Somebody who's scent made my heart lurch inside my chest. 

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I clasped my hands over my mouth to stop myself from letting out a yelp. "Oh, Jericho. I was wondering where you were. Dad want-" The deep booming voice suddenly came to a halt. As I was sure they'd come to the same realization that I had. Is this really happening?  Onyx spouted, both excited and unsure. I slowly turned to see who this person was. When my gaze met his deep forest green one, I knew exactly what was happening. "Oh no, no, no." I muttered as I started move off the couch I was sitting on and back into the washing machines. His strong chiseled face was formed into a look of shock, with something else behind it. Was that...awe? "No no. Nuh uh. Fuck off." I continued to mutter. I wanted to be as far away from this man as possible, but at the same time my body was screaming to be near to him. 

"Talos, you know this runt?" Jericho exclaimed before the man cut him of with a vicious growl, one that radiated a dominance I had only felt from Emory. Jericho instinctively shrunk, bowing his head, before the man he had called Talos realized what he'd done. 

"Sorry. No, I don't know her." He looked back over towards me, where I was squished up in the corner. "But she's my-"

"NO! Don't you say it!" I blurted out, pointing a finger at him. Onyx whinged inside me, but I ignored her. Jericho looked backwards and forwards between me and the other man. I could tell he had figured it out because his jaw dropped to the floor. 

"You have got to be fucking kidding me?!" The Delta yelled, his arms shaking with anger. "And Talos Stone of all people!" This man standing before me, with his tousled silver hair, green eyes,  and bewildered expression, was the son of Emory and heir of Stone Pack. This man who was built like a marble statue, with a sun kissed tan to boot, was my mate. And I did not want him. 

Oh boy oh boy! What a wild ride! Leave your thoughts and feelings down in the comments!

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Oh boy oh boy! What a wild ride! Leave your thoughts and feelings down in the comments!

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