Chapter 4 | First Steps

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 I woke to a sudden jarring feeling. I would have shoot bolt upright if my seat belt wasn't keeping me strapped to my chair. I didn't remember falling asleep, but I must have at some point. Either way, my awakening had startled me, and fur was prickling dangerously between my shoulder blades. A quick glance outside told me that the plane had landed. There was nothing to fear. Onyx, it's fine. Our plane just landed with a little bump. We're safe. I said, soothing her nerves. She grew calmer and I let out a relived sigh as I felt the fur reseed back into my skin. I lent back in my chair, taking a deep breath, and waited until the plane was properly parked. It didn't take to long thankfully. I rubbed my eyes and got my backpack out from underneath my seat and waited for the mad rush to get out of the plane. The plane finally came to a halt and we were allowed out of our seats. I quickly made my exit, but on the way out I caught a glimpse of the man with the dark  hair who had noticed my eyes changing. I hoped that I'd never see him again, but at the same time, I had a strange feeling this wouldn't be the last time we'd encounter one another. 

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I made my way through the airport in next to no time and I was soon on a bus to a place called Castle Creek Nature Reserve. I wasn't in any financial situation to book a room for a while, plus Onyx wanted to run free a bit. This nature reserve sounded pretty good. And wolves weren't uncommon to the area, so no one would be to surprised if they caught a glimpse at a really big one. It was early spring but it was still pretty cold. At least the weather was only meant to get warmer from here on out, summer would be here in a few months, and then she'd be set. In summer, I could hunt the wildlife and sell the meat for a good price. I would skin the animals if I knew how, but I was sadly under skilled. You up for spending a night out in the woods? I asked Onyx.
Sure thing. She replied and I smiled softly. So accommodation was sorted, now, where was everything? I pulled up a google tab and searched Thunder Bay, and it came up with everything I'd ever need to know. From hospitals to schools and churches. Even a little history on the town. After I'd learned all I needed, I gazed out the window for a bit. The sun was starting to dip near the horizon. There was only about two more hours of light left, thankfully this bus ride didn't seem like it was going to take to long.

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About an hour later, the bus pulled up to one 'Come by Chance, Resort and Campground.' and I hopped off with a smile on my face. There was plenty of trees as far as I could see, and my nose could smell a large body of water nearby. I took in a deep breath and let it out, as I felt Onyx swell within me. Yes, it feels good here. I walked down the road for about half and hour, giving myself plenty of distance form any houses or camp grounds before I shifted. The sun was just brushing over the horizon as I trekked along, it's long fingers of light reaching through the trees and stretching across the sky, painting it magnificent colors. I stop for a moment to take a picture with my phone. If this place ended up working out, I wanted to have a photo of my first sunset here. Hence why my camera roll was full of sunsets. Soon I decided we were far enough from anyone, and that we'd be alright here. I walked into the trees a little so we weren't just standing out on the road. I took most of my clothes off and put them in my duffel bag, before I lent against a large pine tree and took a deep breath. Ready? Onyx asked.

Ready. I replied and I let Onyx burst forth.  

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 My skin rippled and fur the color of the darkest chocolate bloomed from it. My bones shifted, bent, and changed. Growing ears, tail, fangs, claws. My normally deep blues eyes turning into a bright vivid gold. It all happened in roughly three seconds and didn't hurt more than a good stretch. And it felt like a good stretch too, it had been so long. I shook out my fur, loving the feel of it on my body again. Loving my form again. I spared a quick glance around to make sure no one was about, before working my duffel bag onto my back. I'd sewn in a extra special strap just so that I could do just that. After I was comfortable, I looked around again, always wary that others might be about. However I couldn't I couldn't hear anything strange, and I didn't smell anything out of the ordinary, so I slunk into the trees and began to run. The soft new shoots of grass were ticklish beneath my paws. The scent of new spring buds and the water not far from me was delightful. My feet thundered and my heart pounded as I kept loping along at a steady pace. Wind rushing through my fur, the sweet scent of the forest wafting into my nose as I took heavy breaths. I could feel a smile growing on my muzzle. It had been so long since I felt this free. I let out a small joyful howl as I ran. Gazing up at the sky as the first stars started to glitter above me.  

Wow! Exciting times for Delilah

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Wow! Exciting times for Delilah. :) What do you think awaits her here in this new town?

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