Chapter 1 | Wanderer

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Part 1 

"The Lost."

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I could hear the snapping of jaws echoing from the darkness around me. Helpless whimpers met with viscous snarls. The iron tang of blood and thick black smoke was heavy in the air. I could still feel the heat of the inferno that was my home, burning down to the ground. Howls could be heard from those trapped inside. My paws thundered against the ground as I fled the only home I had ever known. My heart racing, lungs searing as I pushed myself to run harder and faster than I ever had before. Adrenaline pumping through my veins as I scoured the darkness for any sign of a familiar face. Somebody. Anybody. But the only ones I found had blood pooling from their muzzles, and their hearts had long stopped beating. Tears streamed from my eyes as I fled. I don't know if it was the smoke or the sadness that was making me cry, but I know my heart broke in two when I heard their howls of victory from the source of the flames. Their howls proclaiming that the Dire Alphas were dead. That this land was now theirs. The Hallow Pack. That everything I had ever known, was ashes. From the walls of my room, to the faces of my friends. All of it, ashes. All of it, gone. They would pay for what they had done to my Pack. They would pay for what they had done to me. 

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I shoot bolt upright. My breathing heavy and my heart thundering inside my chest. Delilah, it was just a dream. It was only a dream, a familiar voice inside my head said reassuringly. I took a deep breath, in and out, trying to calm myself a bit. Fragments of my flashback still lingered in the corners of my vision. Splatters of blood and wild, feral looking eyes. Another breath in, and out, and they started to fade from my vision. "Thank you, Onyx," I mumbled under my breath, as I ran my hand through my dark hair, my fingers getting caught in its unkempt waves. It's alright, she said in a comforting tone. While we inhabit the same body, we thankfully don't share the same dreams. I don't think she'd like mine very much. I rubbed my face, forcing myself to wake up some more and get a grip. The sooner I was up and moving the better. I made my way to the bathroom to give myself a bit of a spruce up before I hit the road again. How long do you think it will be before the Hallows pick up our scent again? Onyx asked as I brushed out my dark brown hair with a cheap hair brush, trying to work out the knots. 

Soon I reckon. A few days at least. We never seem to shake them for long lately. I vote we keep moving, I mused to her inside my own head this time. She let out a soft grumble of annoyed agreement. I watched my eyes change colour in the mirror as I groomed myself. Flicking between my normal dark blue to Onyx's deep amber gold. If you didn't know any better, you'd probably think it was just a trick of the light.

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 After my hair was in a decent state, I began to gather my few things that I had; few pairs of clothes, hair brush, wallet, a few worn books, an old opal ring, and a extra pair of shoes, and packed them neatly in my duffel bag while I watched the local news on TV. It was normal small town affairs, until something caught my attention. "There have been an increased number of wolf sightings in the area over the past few days. Many farmers are complaining about disturbed cattle, and all townsfolk should pay close attention to their livestock at this time." It could only be one thing. Yes, today we leave this place, Onyx remarked as I resumed packing my bag a fair bit faster. 

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I checked out of the motel and paid the woman at the front desk with some of the little cash that I had. Truth be told, I needed to find another place were I could settle down for a few weeks and hold a job. Extra cash was always welcome, and lord knows that I could do with some. I left the building and started to make my way to the center of town, stopping at a local store to get some food for the road. I could feel Onyx pressing against the back of my mind, keeping a keen ear out for anything that might cause us trouble. Our last encounter with the Hallow Pack was not exactly pleasant, and neither of us was eager to relive the experience. We had been running from them for months now, and they were never too far behind. I was never sure if it was because I was being careless with covering my tracks, or if they just had really good informants. Either way, it was a real pain always being on the look out. It was getting old, fast. All I wanted to do was find somewhere that would be safe. At least for a little while. 

What are you thoughts so far? Who do you think the Hallow Pack are?

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What are you thoughts so far? Who do you think the Hallow Pack are?

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