Chapter 13

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Warnings: some swearing, depression.

Wordcount: + 3,5 k


Gwil's POV

''I'm sorry, she's

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''I'm sorry, she's.. She's hospitalized?'' I've asked myself multiple times before actually asking her. I can't seem to believe what she's saying.. Amelia's mum nods. ''I'm sorry you must be Gwil'' she says while giving me a hug. ''Amelia told me so much about you'' .. I blush ''Thank you Mrs. Y/L/N''.. She smiles at me ''Don't be silly, just call me Y/M/N.. But to answer your question.. They called me around 1.30 am last night..''. My heartbeat quickens, nervousness is taking me over . She .. She didn't try to-? I know her past and-.. I just can't even think about it without feeling sick to my stomach. I swear to God if she hurt herself over Rami - he will be the one who's gonna need hospitalization. ''Get in the car I'll explain everything to you on our way there'', she suggests. So we get in the car. Making our way to the hospital. It feels like it takes forever to get there when in reality it's only a 15 minute drive or so.

''I don't know much yet myself - but they called last night because someone had called the ambulance after she collapsed'' .. It's bad. Right? Or else she just called someone telling she's not feeling ok. They had to bring a fucking ambulance. But collapsing is also a kind of relief- Right? Because it rules out her trying to do anything to harm her... Did it?? ''I immediately went to the hospital but when I arrived they were running some tests so they advised me to just go home, get a rest and come back tomorrow with some clean clothes.. and well, that's when you showed up''. I'm actually really, REALLY worried about her at this point. Is she even ok? She was alone all night. I can't help but stare at Rami angrily. The fucker.

''But you don't know what happened? Or what-'' I can't even finsih my sentences properly. I try wrapping my fucking head around all of this. What happened? What did she do? What was the reason she collapsed? Suddenly Rami breaks our astonished silence and speaks for the first time since he heard the news ''Why didn't you call me?'' He's somewhat amazed but I can tell he's holding back tears. I don't need to be a genius to know guilt is tearing him up inside. Y/M/N lays her hand on his knee ''I'm sorry Rami I thought you knew I-''. He shakes his head in disbelieve. That he wasn't there for her.. ''Don't worry I just-'' he doesn't finish his sentence and just stares at his fiddling hands. He feels guilty alright. She clearly doesn't know what happened between them last night.

''But to answer your question Gwil - No I don't know anything yet. That's why I'm going back now, I hope to get some answers.''. As we arrive Rami is the first one to fly out of the car, helping Y/M/N with the heavy bag. Together we walk up to the floor she's on and find a nurse. ''I'm here for Amelia Y/L/N.. I'm her mum''. The nurse nods, '''She's in room 13 - I'll go in and see if she's up for the company.. Please wait here''. We just stand here waiting for the nurse to come back. I can't take this waiting. ''Coffee anyone?'' I ask when I see they have a coffee machine at the reception, trying to make the wait a bit more bearable.

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