Chapter 5

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Wordcount: +1,4 k

Warnings: none


I can't fucking believe this. ''Are you fucking serious?'' I yell in disbelieve. I immediately get up and put myself in a bathrobe. Being far beyond ashamed at this moment. ''What's wrong?'' He's sincerely shocked. ''Well, you're girlfriend wants to know if you're home alone tonight''. I'm so hurt at this moment. How could I be so stupid?

''She's not my girlfriend Amy - wha''. He puts on a bathrobe too. ''Then I'm dying to hear the voicemail she sent you?'' He doesn't want to let me listen because he insists it has nothing to do with me. That she can't let things go and she keeps bothering him. Tears fill my eyes as I storm off to the bedroom to get myself dressed, locking the door behind me.

Gwil – will you please come and pick me up? I text Gwil. It doesn't take him longer than a few seconds to answer. Be there in 5.

Rami's still pounding on the door. ''Amy please let me in''. ''I swear it's not what you think''. I open the door. Tears streaming down my face, and I have never been so embarrassed before. ''It never is what I think and yet..''. He tries to get closer and comfort me ''don't you dare come closer'' I can't have him coming close, it's my weakness. ''Baby please don't cry let me ex-''. At that moment the doorbell rings a couple of times. Shit. Gwil is really angry. It normally is a ten minute drive but it's been only 5 minutes or so, so he must've hit the paddle to here.

''Baby please don't leave''. Rami begs me.
''Please don't come after me, text me or call me'' I really need some time to think. He tries talking me out of it. At this moment I just need space, I can't think rational anymore, I don't know what to think of it. So before we both do any more damage, I need to leave and clear my head. I open the door and at that moment Gwil comes flying in, ready to beat Rami in the face. He already knows something happened because otherwise I wouldn't have texted him. ''No need Gwil. Please.. Let's just go''. Rami's not planning on backing down either.

 Rami's not planning on backing down either

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Together with Gwil I walk towards his car. By the way he makes large steps, his short breaths and his clenched fist I can tell he's angry. Really angry.
I cry. And cry. And cry. He doesn't say a thing. He doesn't ask, he doesn't talk.. he knows words don't do justice. All I need. And as we drive off he just grabs my hand, giving me a comforting look. He's just here for me and at this moment it's all I need. I just look outside the window, waiting for him to pull up on my driveway and as he walks me to my frontdoor I ask him if Joe's with him. ''No, he just went home a couple of minutes before you texted''.

I uncomfortable fiddle my fingers. ''Will you... Will you please stay with me tonight? I really don't want to be alone tonight''. ''Sure Amy'' he nods.

''I'm not tired yet'' I tell him. And besides, I'm not really in a shape to go to sleep yet. ''Why don't we watch a movie or something?''. I think it's a great idea and just like that he puts on his coat. I usually watch Netflix or something but there's still a video store down the road and if Gwil and I make it a movie night together, we always rent our movies there. ''I really feel like watching The Lucky One if you want?''. ''You know I love watching every movie so I'm okay with really anything'' he says and just like that he's gone.

I decide to hop in the shower really quickly first. I don't feel like washing my hair so it's just a quick wash. I get out after a few minutes and get in my PJ's. When I'm about to pop a bottle of wine open, Gwil comes walking in. With him a white grocery bag and two pizza's. ''Thought you might be hungry'' he says with a grin.

I install everything as he too gets into some more comfortable clothes. I always have some clothes from him hanging around since he and I hang out quite a lot. For occasions like this, that when he stays over without us planning to, he still has some stuff. He's way too tall to fit in anything of mine. Or Rami's for that matter.

Together we crawl onto the couch, eating pizza, drinking some wine, making popcorn.. We both just enjoy it like it is and haven't talked about Rami since it happened. When he puts his feet on the table I decide to lay down, using his lap as my pillow. Soon I can feel my eyelids getting heavier but I really don't want to go to bed yet. The sound of my TV starts fading more and more to the background and before I know it I doze off, falling asleep. With my mind everywhere except with Rami..

 With my mind everywhere except with Rami

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As I get dressed into my PJ's in her bedroom, I notice she has a little picture of her and Rami on her night cabine. It's quite cute, I think from a few months ago. They both have big smile on their faces. They're in a pool. He's spattering the pool water towards her and she looks so careless. So free. So happy.
This douchebag doesn't deserve her. Especially after what he pulled on her tonight. Whatever it may have been. She was so upset and I wonder so badly what has happened. But I know she isn't a talker and I want her to tell me when she's ready to talk about it. For now she just needs some happy time to take her mind off of things.

When I enter the living room she already pore us two glasses of wine, popped some popcorn, pizza's on the table and the movie was ready to begin.
As soon as we finish our pizza's I throw away the boxes, poring us some more wine. She's so caught up in her movie and food, that she hasn't looked on her phone once.
When I'm next to her again, I put my feet on the table. It's much more comfortable if you have long legs like me. Like she waited for me to do so, she put her head in my lap, using it as pillow. She lays like that for half an hour before I notice her heavy breathing.. She fell sleep. She's so peaceful. I stroke her hair a bit before I remind myself I shouldn't. She loves Rami and me doing all these things. It'd only brake my own heart more. I wish she'd notice how much I love her. That she should be with me.. Not him. I may not have much materialistic stuff to give, but I'd give her anything I have, I'd give her the world..

I quietly get up and lay her head on a pillow so she doesn't wake up. I see her phone lighting up and I can't help but look at it. A lot of missed calls from Rami, lots of voicemails.. Lots of texts. I decide to text him with my phone.. 'She's with me. Stop texting or calling. She'll come to you when she has everything figured out'. I don't wait for a respond and just take a blanket and put it on her. When I'm about to walk away to go to bed, I hear her murmur: ''No''. I stop. Is she talking to me or is she dreaming? ''Please don't leave again I need you. Please stay''. She's whining. I don't know if it's a bad dream or maybe she's awake? But I don't mind – she clearly doesn't want to be alone.. So I do as she wants and crawl underneath the blanket, behind her onto the couch. Before I know it, I too fall asleep.

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