Chapter 10

102 2 1

Wordcount: +1,2 k

Warnings: none


After a few seconds we both pull back. Both shocked. I think I'm more shocked than he is and the moment he sees that he pulls back his hand ''I'm so sorry''. He takes a stap back ''I'm so sorry I shouldn't have - I mean you're pregnant with Rami's child for God's sake and...'' he quickly stops talking as if he's still hiding something.. ''and??...'' A moment of silence tells me he's not planning on answering that one so I grab his hands ''Gwil - you shouldn't say sorry.. Or regret it''.. His insecurity makes place for sureness. ''Yeah I really should - but I never said I regret it. I've wanted to do this since the day you first walked into the filming studio''.. I'm so glad he finally tells me what was on his chest. And apparently he's had it there for a very long time.

''I didn't tell you or kiss you so you'd chose me Amy - I've seen the way you look at him. It's with the same flickering in his eyes when he looks at you''. Is he.. Serious? ''Amy I just wanted to tell you - if it turned out you felt the same I'd be over the moon. But.. Mostly because if it's not mutual I finally could stop wondering and move on''.. I don't know why but I feel so sad for him.. But he is right though. I mean I love him. But not in the way he loves me.. There actually may have been a moment I'd felt enough for him to choose him instead of Rami, if I had the choice.. But we never got a choice because we both never made a move. That's just how it is.. We both can't do anything about it because it's all in the past.

''No hard feelings Amy - I still love you and I promiss I'll always be there for you. You'll always have a home with me if Rami decides he doesn't want to be part of your family.. ''.. I can't believe he's so.. serene.. ''Aren't you... angry?'' I really can't wrap my head around it. Talking with him is so different than with Rami ''Don't get me wrong it stings a little but I'm so relieved I did this and now finally can move on.. I'd rather know how it is than wonder how it would have been, and now I know.. and to me that is a huge relief''. It actually stings me a lot to reject him, but for some reason my heart found a certain peace it hadn't felt for a long time

 It actually stings me a lot to reject him, but for some reason my heart found a certain peace it hadn't felt for a long time

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I hug him. ''What did I do to deserve you?''. Even though I can't see it, I know he's smiling. ''having a soulmate is not always about friendship, Amy''. That's so true, because I felt it too but I could never quite put my finger on it ''I truly have a connection with you Gwil and I hope this doesn't chance how it used to be between us''. He smiles ''I promiss it won't''. I think this is just a good time as any..

''I know it's way too early but.. I wanted to give you something. I put it together myself so - don't laugh at me''. I hand him a tiny wooden box. When he opens it, there's a tiny bottle of Whiskey in it and a cigar ''I know you don't smoke but-'' and I point to underside of the cover..
''I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.. Uncle Gwil: will you be my Godfather''. When he closes it I swear I could see him tear up, ''of course silly I'd be really honored to, thank you so much'' He once again hugs me, ''But you better prepare on me protecting the child like I'm Don Corleone himself'' he laughs. The worst thing - I know he will. He'll move heaven and earth for Muffin.. I know he will.

Before I know it it's already 7 pm. The day flew by and I had so much fun with Gwil. Even though of 'our moment', after we got back on the ground it's almost like we left what happened behind on the Tower Bridge. I still feel a bit guilty though but this man is amazing and I have truly no doubt that he will find someone that will love him unconditionally.. He waves at me before I disappear into the Security line. And when I finally passed through it I see he texted me 'Be sure to text me when you landed safely'. 'I will. Thank you Gwil, for everything. See you soon xxx'.

That night I talk to my mum about all that has happened that day with Gwil, including our kiss. ''Honey.. Even though it may be hard for you now. You have to understand there's nothing to be ashamed of. Or regret'' My stepdad finds himself agreeing with her ''She's right honey. You just found out you're pregnant. Rami kissed another girl a while back.. You're not even sure if he'll be a dad to the little one.. It's perfectly understandable to have mixed feelings at this moment''. My mum nods, ''Indeed.. But you do realize you have to tell Rami, right?'. I hadn't even thought about that.. Shit.. SHIT!! I fucking cheated on him. FUCK. How will I ever be able to tell Rami this? FUCK FUCK. I just did the one thing that I most hate myself, cheating. I can feel my anxiety attack coming up again and my mum spots it immediately. ''Wait here honey''. She walks to the kitchen and after 5 minutes she comes walking back with both our coats.. ''You need some fresh air. Put your coat on and we'll just take a small walk.'' My dad starts laughing ''Before you decide to caress another door again'' meaning my small broken-hand-because-of-hitting-a-door-incident.

Together we just walk past the small canals, through he small streets, past the cozy little houses and apartments

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Together we just walk past the small canals, through he small streets, past the cozy little houses and apartments.. Beautifully decorated by Christmas-lights. It's a beautiful sight and it definitely calms me down. Suddenly she stops. ''Look at this house.. So beautiful.'' We're standing before a beautiful old, white house. It looks huge and really cozy. Iknow she's implying on me and Rami buying it so we can spend some more time here. ''It really is, but I can't afford this mum. I definitely can't ask Rami to buy it. You know the prices of Amsterdam Housing..'' I kind of get sad because to be honest, if I could afford it, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Just to be closer to my family but it's also such a beautiful house. A house I've always dreamt off. Beautiful, old white exterior with crimps. I bet it's really big inside because even though it's not wide, it's really high. ''Besides.. It has a 'Sold' sign on it so even if I wanted to''..

Out of nowhere she rings the doorbell. ''You don't know that, maybe it's just a trick'' she says. ''Mum what are you doing? Jezus. You can't just ring some-'' when the door opens and I see the person standing in the doorway, my jaw drops. What the fuck.. How.. Why... When???

In the doorway stands Rami. Beautiful as always. Wearing casual clothes and his blindingly smile.

''Hi''.. He says

 He says

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