Chapter 9

112 2 1

Wordcount: +2,2k

Warnings: none


I wake up due to turbulence

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I wake up due to turbulence. It feels like we're decreasing height. I put off my headphones and stretch. When I look at my clock I see it already is 6.25 pm. Holy shit! I've slept for 5 hours or so. I put off my headphones and yawn. It takes me a few moments to adjust.. It wasn't a dream.. I really am pregnant.. I don't know what I dreamt off but it was about my Muffin and I feel.. happy so it must've been a good dream. I lovingly smile at my belly, caressing it.

''How far along are you?'' the guy next to me asks.. ''about 8 weeks'' I say with an embarrassed smile on my face. ''I just became dad from my second. It's so beautiful'' He tells me their names, Julia and Marissa.. Two daughters ''It won't be easy being the only man in the house'' I grin at him. He laughs. ''I find it beautiful because to a daughter, a dad will be the standard against which she will judge all men.. And I'll be damn sure to set the bar really high. It brings tears to my eyes. ''I'm sorry I didn't-''.. I laugh, ''It's just the hormones, I'm sorry..'' That.. And I found it really beautiful.. ''I hope my boyfriend will think the same thing''.

He looks at me doubtfully ''Ah.. he doesn't know yet?'.. I get both a bit sad and uncomfortable. ''No he doesn't.. You see I literally found out 15 minutes before this flight took off. On an airport-toilet.'' I giggle. It really is stupid though, it can only happen to me. ''He laughs. That is the most original thing I've ever heard.. well at least you don't have this 'we found out together in the bathroom' story'' He smiles.

Then I remember I'll have to tell Rami at some point. We haven't even spoken since we last saw each other. He does text me every morning and every evening. 'Goodmorning gorgeous' and 'Sleep well beautiful'.. But he always does that and the fact he hasn't stopped doing it yet, gives me somewhat a positive feeling.

I hear the captain speaking through the loudspeakers. ''Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Schiphol Airport. Local time is 6.45 pm and we have a chilly temperature of -2 degrees. We will touch down in about 20 minutes. For your own safety, please remain seated with your seatbelt fastened until the 'Fasten Seat Belt-sign' will be turned off. I hope you had a pleasant trip and I wish you all a great day''. I can't believe we're almost landing. I'm so glad I slept through most of the flight.

The man and I talk some more, about everything and nothing.. Colours.. Clothings.. Cribs.. All kinds of baby stuff and pregnancy. About 20 minutes later we touch ground and before leaving the airplane I find myself thanking the kind man next to me. For reassuring me and giving me hope. ''No problem. It was a pleasure meeting you and I wish you all the best with your little bean'' he says while shaking my hand. I hurry out the plane and make my way to the luggage band. Luckily I don't have to wait too long and when I walk towards arrivals I soon see my mum and stepdad standing there, waiting for me. I immediately start running towards them, falling in their arms.. Making it a very emotional reunification.

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