Chapter 8

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Wordcount: +1,8k

Warnings: none


I'm so tired

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I'm so tired. It's about 4.30 am now and I just arrived at JFK-airport. Ugh, still 1 hour before till my flight. It's actually pretty busy at the airport. I think it's mostly people who're flying back home again after just visiting their family. It's the day after Christmas and when my mum heard about the hard couple of days I've had, she offered for me to come over and celebrate New Years there. It allows me to get my thoughts straight without anyone being around me, asking me. Besides, I really miss my family.. I've last seen them in... April I think? I really need some family-time with them.

I've moved to New York about 3 years ago. My options as a make-up artist were much better here than at home. I've worked on a small movie back at home and when I received an price for it, this company from New York reached out to me to ask if I wasn't interested in pursuing my job in New York. Apparently there was someone from their company at the award show and was very impressed by my work. It was a huge opportunity, but I knew I had to leave everyone I love behind if I decided to move to New York. It was a tough decision and before making it, I decided to get myself on a plane and just shadow some of the make-up artist to see how things went down here. I immediately fell in love with not only New York, but also the way things worked here and how fun working here was. So when I came back home I decided I'd take the job. It was difficult for me, leaving everything, coming here all alone, not knowing anyone. Butif I had the chance, I'd do it all over again. I've never been happier. I mean I miss my family and I'm financially not always able to fly over and see them as often as I'd like to.. But I do everything I can to come as often as I can.

I just checked in my bags and already went through security, to avoid the real storm coming. I definitely don't want to miss my flight because I'm stuck in security. Hmm.. I still haven't eaten, so I decide to get myself a light breakfast before heading to my gate. Not too much though. I feel sick, again. But there has to be something in my stomach. I need some food in my system in order for me to take my Xanax. It's an 8 hour flight and I'd love to sleep through all, or at least most of it.

''What can I get for you?'' the woman behind the counter asks me. Hmmm.. that muffin looks dead-good. And that chocolate-croissant too. But I already can feel my nausea coming up again by even thinking about it. I had to run to the bathroom 10 minutes ago again and I'm not planning on going again.. ''Just a cheese sandwich and a cup of tea please. Chamomile please''. She gives me the cup of tea and while she's making the sandwich she suddenly asks ''how far along are you?''. I look at her startled. ''I'm... sorry? Far along for what?'' I ask. She points to my belly ''Your baby. How far alone are you?''

Then it hits like a bomb. Fuck. It couldn't.. Could it??? I take my birth control.. And we used protection... Or didn't we? FUCK no, we don't always because of my birthcontrol. Fuck. FUCK. I'm getting a panic attack. It certainly explains my period staying out, and the fact that my period before that was almost nothing too.. and the nausea.. And the craving for weird food. The woman looks at me shocked ''you... you're not?'' she eventually asks. ''I'm..'' I try to talk but I feel paralyzed.. She asks me what my destination is. ''Amsterdam''.. I have trouble getting words out and my hands start to sweat. No.. No this couldn't be happening right?

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