'Happy Birthday Baby'

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5 days later- August 10th.

~Lauren's p.o.v~

I wake up, stretching my arms. I pull myself out of bed and make it. I walk to my closet and take out a green skater skirt and a white lace short sleeved top. Cute. I go the bathroom and get showered and dressed. I take the curling iron and run it through my hair, Creating loose curls.

'Just a fraction of your love fills the air.'

I run over beside my phone, grabbing it I awnser it.

~phone convo~

Me: Hello?


A smile comes on my face, followed by a light chuckle

Me: thank you..

Justin: Are you excited about your party?

Me: I am. Is Christian and all coming up?

Justin: no they're doing a tour so they couldn't make it.

Me: oh that's fine. Don't worry about it. OH MY GOSH IM EIGHTEEN

Justin: older lady. Hot


Justin: I'm kidding, alright I gotta go, see you in a hour alright?

Me: alright bye, love you.

Justin: love you too baby.

I hang up the phone and smile to myself. Just the little things he does is perfect to me.

I go downstairs and see my mom with a plate full of pancakes.

'Morning birthday girl.'

'Morning mom.'

I smile at her which she returns and start eating my pancakes

'I got you something.'

I look up a her, with a mouth of pancakes and smile, eww okay that probably looks gross. I chuckle slightly and swallow.

She takes my hand and places a necklace on it. I look down and gasp.

Its a purple locket and on the back engraved it says.

'Leave the past behind you..'

I smile at that cute that was, and immediately thought of lion king. I open it up and look at the pictures, one of me with everyone, and one of me and Justin.

I gasp at its beauty and look up at her. I Pull her into a hug immediately and kiss her cheek.

'Its beautiful, thank you.'

I hear a knock at a door and I clip it around my neck.

'ITS OPEN!' I shout.

I see Justin come threw the door, wearing brown chinos and a pink shirt.

I smile at him and he wraps his hands around my waist.

'Morning Miss.Millar.' he says smiling, he brings his gaze back to me and smiles.

'morning Justin.'

'And morning to you princess.'

Oh my god. He's overfilled with cuteness.


I smile up at him and he pecks my lips lightly, y'know my moms here. He pulls back and touches my cheek.

'New necklace?' he asks looking down at it.

I smile and nod. He takes his hand and opens it up, smiling at the pictures, he closes it again and wraps his hand back around my waist

'I got you something too.'

I throw my head back.

'I told you not too Justin, don't waist your money-'

'Oh please don't even say it. Your worth everything.'

I feel a blush creep on my face and he puts his finger up doing the 'one minute.'

I smile and he walks out the front door, he comes in seconds later with a big bag.

'Oh my gosh justin!'

'Lauren open it!' he jumps up and down.

I smile an take it off him, kissing his cheek. I open it up and the first thing I see is a stuffed animal, a giraffe holding a heart saying I love you.

'Oh my gosh. This is so cute!' I yell kissing his lips quickly.

He laughs and I take out the next present

A framed photo of everyone on my sixteenth. We're all standing outside the pull. I smile at it and kiss his lips again.

I take out the next thing and see a HUGE back of sour patch kids. OMG SCORE.

He smiles and I take out the next thing, a black velvet box, I open it and see a bracelet, Irish design, with green diamonds. I gasp at how beautiful it was and I can see him smile, he takes it off my hands and wrap it around my wrist

'Thank you so much, it's beautiful.'

I smile at him, and this time he kisses me. He wraps his arm around my waist and I put mine around his neck. He smiles against this kiss, which I return. He pulls back.

'I love you.' he says staring into my eyes.

'I love you too.' I say

~6 hours later. 21:45pm.~

I walked downstairs to the sound of 'One Time' playing. I look down and see Justin standing there, wearing a white dress shirt and black skinny jeans. I look back down at my white lace skater dress. A smile forms on my face when I reach the end of the steps. My eyes travel to Justin's and he takes my hand.

'You look beautiful baby.'

'Thank you.'

He walks me over to the dancefloor and sways me to the music, with his hands wrapped around my waist.

'No problem.' he smiles at me and looks me up and down.

I roll my eyes and kiss him. Which he returns.

His hands travel lower and rest on my butt.

'The dress is sexy..'

I take his hands and place them on my waist. I kinda have family here.

Justin kisses my lips. Without pulling back I hear him mumble against them.

'Happy birthday baby.'


Okay guys, I know Im late posting, but school started today okay?! Jk. But it did and I've been out with friends after words and stuff, I also have a lot going on so I didn't have time to write. Which is why this ones short.

Thanks for reading xx

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