Nothing I can do can stop it.

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This is really happening.

And there's nothing I can do to stop it.

'Lauren listen to me, you have to fight baby, please.' Justin cries against the door.

I open my mouth to say something, but a gush of pain in my right cheek stops me. He slapped me!

'Dont interact with him!' Bruce screams.

I nod my head and try wiggle away, he squeezes my legs then my waist. Probably leaving hand marks there.

'Stop fighting!' he Yells again.

I havent heard Justin's cries again.

Bruce takes his hands, touches around my body. I close my eyes shut, unable to get out of his grasp.

I snap my eyes open at a loud bang and look at the door, Justin. How did he get in here..?

'Get the fuck off my girlfriend!' he exclaims. Walking closer to Bruce.

I hear bruce fake laugh and I scowl at him. Idiot.

Justin grabs his jacket, trailing him off the bed. He pushes him down to the ground. Punching him, kicking him. You name it. I look at Justin, the one beating him up isn't the Justin I love. But he saved me. I see his eyes read with tears and the cries escape his lips as he punches harder.

'J-Justin stop.' I cry.

Feeling my own tears trail Down my cheek, Justin looks at me. His eyes soften Immediately and he looks back down to the unconscious body of Bruce, more tears falling down his face. He stands up and walks over to me.

'Lauren, are you okay?' he whispers, inches away from my face. 'Im gonna get you outta here.'.

I nod my head and look at Justin's face. He takes his hand and wipes away my tears. I stare into his Carmel eyes and he looks back into mine.

He lifts his arms and tries to untie the ropes.

'God these things are tight.' he whines. I feel freedom of my wrist and I take it down. Red marks everywhere, he does the other one and I run the rings of them. Justin takes of his jacket. Wrapping it around my exposed body I put my arms in the sleeves. I look down, ashamed. This is the first time justins seen me like this, and I'm a mess. I feel his warm gentle hands under my chin, making me look up.

'Your beautiful okay? You shouldn't be nervous about this stuff to me. You know me Laur.'

He takes one of my hands, pulling me up. He wraps his arms around my legs carrying me bridal style.

'It's not that, it's just the first time you seeing me had to be like this.' I nuzzle my head into his neck and he sighs.

'I should of killed him.' he mutters.

I take my hand and place it on his cheek. He looks at me with glassy eyes.

'If you killed him, you would go to jail Justin. And I don't want to be the cause of Justin Bieber killing someone.'

He nods his head and looks forward.

'I don't care about what you look like Lauren, to me you look beautiful. And I don't mind it's the first time I'm seeing you like this. Because one day, I will see you. For you. The way you want me to see you, because right now all i see is a scared, troubled girl. That's why we're going to the police.'

I sigh and nod my head. He opens the car door and places me inside. Putting my seatbelt over me. He kisses my cheek and walks to his side.

'Wont you get in trouble for stealing his car?!' I ask when he gets in.

'Its a getaway. If we stay here he'll hurt you more.'

He closes his door and turns on the engine. Who leaves their keys in the car?

~At the police station.~

'Hello sir, how can I help you?' the short blonde woman asks Justin.

'I'd like to report a kidnap and abuse.'

The woman's eyes widen then they focus on me.

'Is a sexual assault also layed here ma'am?' she asks me.

'He tried to, but Justin got there'

Why am I even explaining myself?

The woman nods and takes us to a door, opening it it's like one of those cop shows.

'Officer Braun, these two have a case to report.' the blonde woman says. He nods his head and gestures us to take a seat, which we do.

'Recording. Officer Braun. August fifth. 10:56pm. What is your names and what are you reporting?'

What?! It's that late?

'Justin Bieber, Lauren Miller. Here to report a kidnap, abuse and an almost rape.'

The officer looks at me and back down at his paper.

'Explain to me what happened mr.bieber.'

'Lauren is my girlfriend, I was taking her out to breakfast this morning and while we were walking someone grabbed us. Lauren had an abusive family, and the other night her uncle. Bruce. Came to her house and hit her, saying he'll be back, so we thought the worse, he took us to a car. Then when we looked it was Bruce, he took us to his house and started hitting us. He grabbed Lauren and put a gun to her head. Saying that if I tried to make a move she'd kill her. He took her to the other room and closed the door, I hear her cry and then he told her to go to the bed or he'd kill me. So she did. I looked around and found a key on top of the door, so when I walked in, he was almost naked ontop of her. She was wincing under her, with her wrists tied to the bed.'

Justin looks down and I see a tear fall down his face. I take his hand and squeeze it under the table.

'what happened after that Mr.Bieber? How did you get down here?'

'I pulled him off of her. And I started hitting him, for defence. And I looked outside and had no clue where we were So I took his car.'

The officer nods, obviously confirming that that was okay.

'Were gonna need this address.'

'789 Warehouse, Green road.' I say

'Thank you miss. I'll have him locked up tomorrow. But for you sir, take her home. Get her rest. And I'll see you in court next week'

I look at Justin and he takes my hand, making me stand up.

What's my mom going to say?!

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