Come On Chaz.

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Before you start reading! I didnt proof read:( i was planning on sleeping earlier, but i cant and its now 03:35. Anyway please comment guys, it would mean the world to me! Anyways enjoy this chapter :)xo

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Come on Chaz. Where are you? I run my hand through my hair pacing back and forth in my kitchen. How can it take so long? They probably stopped for food knowing Chaz and Ryan. I look at my shoes and groan. I'm do nervous. It's been three years. Three years and we stopped talking at two. All I see is him on the news and that's nothing. We're sixteen now. I just have to accept the fact he's probably forgotten about me. How could I be so stupid? They probably won't even show up for all I know. Not one of them had even called or texted. I lift up my phone checking the time once more and feel it buzz in my hand. Message from Jake

From Jake

To Jake

I lock my phone. I can't be bothered with his shit tonight, in my point of view it's not worth it, oh my gosh when did it get so hot in here?! I go over to the sink and pour a glass of water, gulping it down instantly. Even if I do get close to Justin again what's it going to lead to? Nothing, absoloutley nothing. Because before we know it he'll just be gone again. Then I hear the door knock. Perfect timing boys. I brush myself of quickly walking out of the kitchen into the living room. Chill Lauren. Chill. I take a deep breath and walk to the door. Why did I ever agree to this? I go for the door Handel and push it open revealing Ryan, Chaz and the all familiar Justin in the background.

'C-come in' I let out taking a breath. Motioning towards my house. They do what I say and walk in laughing with each other


I turn round and see Justin opening his arms for a hug. I go into them within a second wrapping my arms around his back.

'I've missed you so much' I mumble into his shirt squeezing my eyes shut.

'Ive missed you too, I'm so sorry for not visiting, I missed you Laur.'

He squeezes my body with his hands and I let the tear ive been holding back fall.

He's home: my Justin's back.

'Hey don't cry'

He pulls back and puts his hand on my cheek wiping away loose tears.

'I can't help it, it's been three years.'

'I know,but I'm back now alright? I'm home.' he pulls me into another hug and I take in his scent. He hasn't changed. I've been longing for this hug for months. The nights when I let myself cry , admitting to myself I missed him. When my mom stayed up with me when all I wanted was Justin to be home, beside me.

'I can't believe it's been three years.' he mumbles in my hair.

I sigh and take in his presence. How could I let him go so easily?

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I look at the boys on the couch and let a smile crawl on my face, this is just like it used to be.

'GET BACK IN YOUR CAGE!' Justin yells throwing a sour patch kid at Ryan.

I laugh and take a bite of my candy. My phones buzzed multiple times but hey? I see jake everyday.

I look at the tv screen and roll my eyes. So much for a movie night, all we've been doing is talking. Which I'm not complaining about.

'Alright let's play truths' Chaz says crossing his legs on his one seater couch.

'Alright you go first.' I say picking another sour patch from the bowl.

'Okay, Ryan. Is it True you have a crush on Caitlin?'

'Man..' Ryan trials off putting his arm behind his head

'Caitlin? Caitlin Beadles?' I question

'Yeah, I guess I've got closer to her' Ryan says looking at me

'good, I like Caitlin.' I smile

'I'll set it up man' Justin buts in. Giving him a nuckle touch.

'Lauren are you a virgin?' Ryan asks raising an eyebrow looking at me.

'Yes Ryan. I'm a virgin.' I scowl at him.

'Really? Jake hasn't tried anything?' Chaz inturupts

I mean jake has. But I always said no. Besides why would I tell them that?

'who's jake?' Justin asks looking at me.

'You know Jake, Jake Dawson. He's the quarterback on the football team.' Ryan says hitting his arm

'Oh yeah, you two dating?' Justin asks looking into my eyes.

I look away instantly. His Carmel eyes are too much for me. They're absoloutley beautiful. I take another sour patch kid

'Yeah we are, two months' I smile at him and fidget with my fingers

'You a cheerleader or something?'

My head shoots up and I stare at him.


'Oh sorry. I was just asking'

No Justin. You meant why was the quarterback dating me.

'Chaz can I talk to you?' I ask standing up

'Yeah sure' he follows me into the kitchen 'Whats up?'

'Does Justin know about my dad?' I ask

'Yeah, I was afraid he might of asked Lauren, I had to tell him' I look up to him a shade of guilt filled in his eyes.

'No don't worry about it, seriously. I'm glad you did honestly.'



I wrap my arms around him and quickly hug him. Pulling him back to the boys.

I look at Justin and he notices, looking back at me into my eyes. How does he do this to me? Snap out of it Lauren. You have a boyfriend. I look away instantly down at my hands.

'So Chaz I have a question for you.' I say looking at him. 'When are you gonna tell the boys about the party two weeks ago?' I smile

'Lauren! Not cool!'

'What party?' Justin and Ryan say in union.

'Its nothing.'


'Okay-Okay, Carley was throwing a party so we all went and y'know, got pissed. I completely blanked out until I woke up beside Carley herself.'

I look over at Justin and Ryan expecting a shocked expression.

'Du-ude!' Ryan gets up high-fiving him. I roll my eyes and feel Justin's gaze on me. I look up quickly and he looks away. Wow this is happening alot tonight. I look at the clock. 23;46

'Alright guys your going soon' I say looking back at them

'Okay cool, my mom wants me back now anyway, coming boys?' Ryan asks getting up

They both say yeah and get up. I stand up with them. Walking them over to the door.

'Later Lauren!' Chaz calls getting into the car.

'Yeah laters!' Ryan shouts walking down the driveway.

'Bye guys' I wave at them and look behind me at Justin getting his jacket off the couch.

'Night Laur.' he says wrapping an arm around my waist kissing my cheek from the side.

'Night Justin.'

He nods his head and walks out the door. I close it quickly and slide down it feeling the butterfly's in my stomach. What's he doing to me?

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