'Dont let me fall'

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~Next morning~

I let a hand go over my mouth as I gasp, breathing unsteadily.

I sit up on my bed.

'Baby?' Justin asks yawning, sitting up beside me running a hand on my back.

'Sorry Justin, go back to sleep.'

I wipe a spare tear from my eye and he kisses my cheek.

'Whats wrong?'

'Nightmare, that's all.' I admit, feeling a little stupid.

'What about?' he raises an eyebrow.

I can just make out his face in the dark.

'My mom, my dad.'

'Laur what happened?'

He pulls me down, so I'm laying down beside him, he kisses my head. Squeezing my hand.

'We were at the beach, and, and my Dad came, he hit me again, but this time you were there with me. He hit you, and you were hurt you were bruised. Your beautiful face was bruised.'

Another tear falls down my cheek, reliving the memory in my head

'Baby I'm fine.' he reassures me kissing my head.

'Its not just that Justin, when my mom came over, when I was younger she usually started pulling my dad off of me. But this time, she joined in.' I trail off. Looking backdown onto my hands, that Justin's holding.

'Lauren?' he whispers against my cheek.

'Yeah?' I look up to him.

There was more to the dream, Jake showed up. He didn't even help Justin. He walked past us, laughing and smirking. While I was at Justin's side, trying to make him feel better and support him, making sure he was okay. I woke up when I saw another hand come to my face.

'What else is it?' he speaks against my cheek again.

'Justin, do you think Jake hates me?'

His grip tightens around me, at the mention of Jakes name.

'Why would he hate you Laur? You should be the one hating him.' he stands, matter of factly.

'I know that Justin, but in the dream, he saw the pain I was in and he walked past, he just walked past.' I repeat . Shaking my head, Justin tightens around me. And kisses my cheek again.

'You just have a lot going on, have you been thinking about jake lately?'

I can tell by his voice he's hoping for a no.

'Not really, I was looking in my notebook and I found the song I wrote about him. But that's it.' I shrug.

He nods his head, understanding.

Ever since I was little, I kept a notebook, filled with songs. That's how I get my emotions out, most girls have a diary, but I fill my thoughts out on songs.

'Whats it about?' Justin asks, still not pulled away from my cheek.

'Me, you and him.'

I trail my fingers around his arm.

'Me? Why am I in it?' he pecks my cheek again, his lips still resting there.

His lips actually make me tremble, they're so soft and perfect.

'Its about how I thought I was in love, but I wasn't, i just got my heart broken. But now I've found someone better, and I'm starting to understand.'

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