'I'm just scared.'

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~ 2 weeks later ~

I pace back and forth in my kitchen, listening to the beat of the music behind me. dear lord what am I getting myself into? I told Justin to come round about ten minutes ago, he should be here any minute and I'm freaking out man, freaking out.I'm gonna tell him that I want to me his girlfriend. Will it be a regret? God I'm not sure. He's made it clear that he won't hurt me, he's been by my side these past two weeks helping me get over jake completely. It worked. I'm so over him. Justin convinced me to get him out of my life so that's what I did. I'm just worried about the whole public thing, and what if he leaves me again? I mean he left for three years and we only stayed in contact for one. And it hurt, badly. I just don't know what to do, I check my phone . 21:30 okay he should be here any minute. Any minute. I said that like five minutes ago, eugh whatever. No missed calls, no texts 21:32. I see the highlights Pull up in the driveway. Breath Lauren, breathe.

'Laur? Oh hey!' he sets his jacket down on the coach and comes over to me, embracing me in a hug.

'Hey Justin'

Should I tell him yet? I don't know. Maybe at the end of the night

'So what are we doing? Your moms at Steves right?' he asks

'Of course.'

I roll my eyes. Where else is she? I rest my hands on his shoulder and he kisses my cheek, for the 10000th time this week. I can't help but smile though, his touch is so.. Perfect. He's perfect. See? Listen to me, I keep pulling off telling him and here I am fangirling.

'So Laur, listen. Jaden and willow are coming round next week you cool with that?'

God I love their family. they're all so talented and cool. I'm a lot closer to Jaden than willow, just like Justin I guess. And their dad is thee coolest guy ever.

'Yeah that's great, when?'

'Eugh..' he raises an eyebrow obviously thinking 'Next... Wedensday?'

I laugh and kiss his cheek.

'So why did you want me over?'

'Just to hang out I guess.' I shrug okay I'm lying. I'm just afraid that he got over me quickly.

I look to the ground. Clicking my feet together.

'Okay Laur I know something is up.'

He knows me too well.

'Come on, you can tell me anything, you know that.'

Curse perfection.

'I know I can trust you, that's why I want to start something, between us.'

Nice one Lauren. Not. I look up into his Carmel eyes and I see a smile curl on his lips


'Yes, Justin I wanna try work this out. Im just scared.' I admit.

His grip tightens around me and I study his face, searching for his expression.

'Lauren I will never hurt you, I'm not Jake, and I'm most definitely not your dad. I would never hurt you in them ways okay? I know your beginning to have trust issues but you won't admit it. Your afraid of letting people in, and people coming into the picture to suddenly tear it up. Lauren I know how you feel, I know you probably think I don't but I really do, coming into this buissness there's only some people I can trust and let in. And I know your one of them, and hopefully I'm one of yours.' he rubs his hand on the side of my face when he rubs my cheeks with his thumb.

'I know Justin, you are one of my people. I'm just scared of going public about everything. About them finding out about me and wanting to know me, I'm afraid im going to loose my private life and I don't want too. But I want you, Justin.'

I want Justin. I do.

'Then if you really want it we'll make it work, we have too. Because I've wanted this for so long and I can't wait any longer, you'll keep your private life and we don't need to go public until we're completely serious, I know our relationship won't be completely private but it will be the next best thing because it's us. Lauren and Justin.'

'Yeah. Us.'

'So Laur, what do you say? Be my girlfriend?' he cheekily smiles at me. That crooked smile of his.

'Of course I will.'

He pulls me into a hug. I let out a laugh when he picks me up, twirling me around. I throw my head back and he places me down on the ground, pushing the hair that managed to fall behind my ear.

'Your so beautiful, you know that?'

'You tell me that a lot.'

'Because you are, you deserve to be told it every single day. Being held, being kissed. You deserve all of it and I promise you right now that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna treat YOU the way you deserve to be treated and I'll show you what a real relationship is.'

A real relation ship. I, Lauren Miller is in a real relationship with Justin Bieber.

He looks into my eyes before slowly leaning in.

'Because you are beautiful.' he whispers, his breathe tickling my skin.

He pulls me close and attatches our lips. I kiss him back and he let's our lips move in sync. He pulls me closer if possible and squeezes his hand on my waist, his other resting on my face and mine loosely around his neck. I can feel the sparks around us, it feels like lightning. I've never felt this before. This is what a kiss should feel like.

He pulls back and looks at me.

'Ive wanted that for so long' he speaks, squeezing his eyes shut.

I smile at his cuteness and peck his lips again. This is really happening. I'm Justin's girlfriend. Finally.

'and baby I promise you, I'll never hurt you in anyway at all okay? This is it. Me and you, and I know what happens in this buissness, people wedge their way into relationships but believe me, that won't be us. We're not like the others because we have something that they don't, we have history. And we have friendship okay? This is us. Justin and Lauren. This is it.'

*writers note*

Yes! They're together! I actually wrote this last night but forgot to save. And I just really needed to get it up. We're getting longer see? ;) anyway I hope you like it and thank you guys so much for 60 reads! I mean.. Wow! I hope you all like and comment ;) please do! It would mean the world! And comment your ideas for the storie if you have any okay? Thank you again.

Orla x

~Coming Back Home~ A Justin Bieber Love Story~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant