Just be safe.

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~One Week Later ~

I step out of bed. Stretching as I stand up, I look around Justin's bedroom. Where is he? I'm gonna go home tonight. I can't intrude on his life like this anymore. A smile spreads on my face as I think about him, i love him, finally able to admit that to myself. I let out a small sigh and walk Into the bathroom and see a sticky note on the mirror


Good morning beautiful ;)

Text me or call when your ready, I had to hit the studio. Scooter has rules bahaha,

Anyway if you slept in later than late I'll be home at four,

I love you,

Justin, xxx'

So he DID go to the studio, well that's good. Oh my gosh he's so cute.

I get changed into a pair of cut jean shorts and a red and white checked button up shirt with red hightop converse.

I look in the mirror and Apply a little foundation, concealer, mascara and red lipgloss. Ready.

I go back to the bed and make it, lifting my phone of the bedside table when it's done.


Justin: Hello?

Me: Justin?

Justin: oh Lauren! Hey baby, you finally up?

I can hear him laugh and I roll my eyes. Even though he can't see me.

Me: yes captain obvious, I'm just headed out to the mall alright?

Justin: Yeah that's fine. But have you seen the papers?

I hear him sigh. I know what's coming I just. I don't know, I can't let it annoy me.

Me: no why what is it?

Justin: Media have found out.

Me: is it bad?

I ask hopefully, hoping for a no. Desperation filled in my voice.

Justin: I'm not gonna lie to you babe, it's pretty bad. But I'll get kenny to come to the mall with you okay?

I stayed silent. I can't even go to the mall?!

Justin: Laur?

I wanna cry. I really do. I push my tears back and inhale a big breath.

Me: yeah, yeah thats fine. Can he be here in fifteen?

Justin: yeah. Laur will you be okay?

Me: I'll be fine, I promise.

Justin: okay.

I hear Justin sigh.

Justin: alright, he's on his way. I told him to keep you safe. So you can probably tell I trust him okay? I know you two haven't met but it's okay.

Me: Yeah that's okay. Thanks Justin.

Justin: No problem, have fun today and be safe. I love you.

Me: I love you too Justin, Bye.


I pull the phone away from my ear and hang up. Is it crazy that it's only been a month and I already love Justin? It's weird, i got over Jake so quickly. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a car horn outside my window. I look out and see Kenny. I grab a pair of black shades and walk downstairs, i'll grab something to eat later.

I open the front door and lock it, knowing Justin would kill me if I didn't. Well obviously.

Kenny steps out of the car, opening the back seat for me.

~Coming Back Home~ A Justin Bieber Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now