'Night Princess'

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~ Next Day- August 3rd~

'Are you sure you'll be safe?' Justin asks watching my every move.

'Justin, my mom will be there it's fine.' I remind him, throwing another shirt into my suitcase.

'I know, but it's your birthday soon.'

Thats true, my birthdays on August 10th. A week.

'We still have time okay? I wanted the party at my house anyway.'

I throw the last of my clothes Into the suitcase. I jump ontop of it.

'Zip me up?' I ask.

He sighs and comes over, pulling the suitcase zip shut, he pulls back. I take his shirt and lightly kiss his lips.

He sighs but kisses me back. I pull back and search his eyes. What's wrong with him?

'Justin whats wrong?'

I look back and forth between his eyes, and he does the same too me.

'It kills me to see you hurt, to see you cry. And I don't wanna see it again Lauren.'

I see his eyes soften and I look to the ground. I feel so bad, but I don't think my mom can hurt me again. His thumb goes on my cheek and he rubs it. I wince in pain, and he pulls it back instantly.

'does that still hurt?!'

I look to the ground, my uncle actually left a bruise. But it wasn't too deep, it was light enough to be covered by makeup.

'N-No.' I shrug like its no big deal.

'Dont lie to me Lauren.'

He looks at me sternly, he hates liars. I look up to his bruised face I caused that.

'Can we go now Justin?'

He sighs and intertwines our fingers, making me stand up. I take my suitcase with my free had and Justin opens his bedroom door for me, I step out and he follows me, closing it behind him. We walk downstairs hand and hand, he obviously didn't want to talk about the hitting, and I'm sure he knows I don't either.

I can feel his thumb move motions on my hand. Soothing me. He opens the car door and takes my suitcase. He kisses my lips sweetly before closing the door.

I'm nervous to go home, what if my mom doesn't want me back?.

I snap my head up when I hear Justin slam his door shut. I lean over and intertwine our fingers again. I peck his cheek before sulking into my seat. Playing with Justin's fingers.


He pulls up at the house and I step out of the car. Justin does the same, wrapping his arm around my waist. He opens up the trunk and takes out my suitcase. I feel his grip tighten as I open the front door. Nobody's home.

'You have nothing to worry about.' I say.

I get free of his grasp and take my suitcase from him, walking up to my room. I drop it on the bed and walk downstairs to see Justin on the couchI was gonna sit beside him but he pulls me onto his lap.

'Justin your upsetting me.' I admit grabbing his hand in mine.

He is though, he won't talk to me properly, tell me what's on his mind. We've hardly spoken today. And it's killing me.


He hasn't called me baby all day, he calls me it as much times as he can any other day. The most thing he's done today is sighing.

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