Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Abyss.

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Beth POV

Darkness. That was all that surrounded me. It was as if I were floating, high in the air where no one could touch me. There was no floor, no ceiling, just an endless abyss encompassing my body, keeping me prisoner.

And yet, I felt at peace. Content.

"Such power." A voice echoed throughout the abyss, reaching me from every direction. "And yet, such weakness. As is the fate of humanity." The voice was stern, commanding in its dictation. I couldn't move, there was no where for me to go. I was dead, transported to a place beyond the reaches of human cognition.

I attempted to speak, to ask who the voice belonged to, why they were here. But no sound came out. I was silenced.

"Humans are so very weak. So afraid. And yet, the Sun sustains them." Shivers ran down my spine. "The Sun... such a pitiful creature. Placing faith in such a pathetic girl." Pathetic girl? Was she talking about me? I suspected she was. "The Sun created me, and now it seeks to destroy me."

I wanted to ask why, to ask why she thought that the Sun was a living, conscious being. Why it was a threat to her. Why she believed it wanted to kill her. And why I was involved.

That's when I was reminded of the prophecy hidden by the Third Hokage. The prophecy he believed was about me.

Hair of sunlight, eyes of the ocean, body of stone, heart of metal, soul of another world. The destroyer of humanity will be unleashed and darkness will fall. In the darkness the sunlight will rise, a saviour with a silhouette of black. The ocean will swallow. The stone will crush. The heart will beat. A sacrifice will be made, the sun will fade into the moon. The destroyer will be destroyed. The saviour will fall. The soul will live on.

"You are a human. A parasite. I will return, and humans shall know what true power is."

With that I felt my world shift. A rush of power flowing through my body, like electricity reigniting my heart. Then I awoke.

The sky was blue. Thick clouds floating across the sky, as if undisturbed by the events that had taken place. Taking a deep breath, I slowly sat upright, placing a hand on my chest. Glancing around at my surroundings I watched as the world devolved into chaos. Shinobi were waking up just as I had, their injuries having vanished as if they were never there to begin with. Friends and family were crying at the return of their loved ones. Medical shinobi running amuck, attempting to understand the miracle they had just witnessed before their eyes.

Turning my head, I rested my gaze on Sasuke. His back was turned, his attention on Kakashi sensei.

"Sasuke?" I asked, my voice rough.

"Beth!" Choji exclaimed, hugging me. Giving him a gentle smile, I watched as Sasuke turned his head to face me. His expression was blank at first, as if he didn't know how to react, as if he didn't believe his eyes. Pushing myself towards him I slowly reached out my hand, caressing his face. Instantly, his expression changed, relief washing over him as he whispered my name. Without hesitating he pulled me into him, his arms wrapping tightly around me. Slipping my arms under his, I held him close, burying my face in his shoulder.

"I told you to trust me, didn't I?" I whispered, my voice still hoarse. Sasuke didn't say anything in response, his body simply continuing to hold me. And I let him, knowing the distress I had put him in. I had my reasons, I just hoped he could understand them when I explained them to him.

After about ten minutes, a medical shinobi came over to us. The woman was professional as she addressed Sasuke, asking him to let her take my vitals. Sasuke released his grip but kept me close, his arm around my shoulder. Making a passing comment, I watched as Sasuke's expression changed. He moved his gaze to the side and furrowed his brow, clearly affected by my joke.

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