Chapter Forty-Seven: Gods and Mortals.

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Beth POV

Blood soaked my clothing, changing the material to a deep scarlet. I sat there, the limp figure cradled in my arms like a child. So many emotions flooded through my body. Pain, anxiety, grief, anger, frustration, helplessness. There was nothing I could do to heal my wounded companion. I was far from a medical shinobi. Tears streamed down my face, melding with the constant pounding of heavy raindrops. I yelled out for Karin, my voice catching in my throat, but there was no response. In the distance I could see the deceased, their body still as if sleeping.

I failed. I failed and now someone I loved was paying the price.


2 hours earlier

Having called in the others, Jugo and I awaited their arrival, watching the events before us unfold. Jiraiya was already engaged in battle with a young woman. The woman, who I knew to be Pain's associate Konan was strong, keeping up with the Sanin in an evenly matched battle for some time. At this point I managed to keep my breathing calm and even. There was no need for me to worry at this point. Jiraiya still had some time.

At that moment Karin and Suigetsu arrived, their expressions serious. "Where are Tayuya and Kouta?" Karin asked, her voice uneven.

"We're here." Kouta announced in a hushed tone, appearing to the right of Jugo and I. Tayuya appeared next to him a moment later, her focus directed to Jiraiya and Konan.

"What's the plan?" Suigetsu asked.

"The Six Paths of Pain are what we're focused on. That woman out there is child's play compared to Pain. Like I told you, the one controlling everything is a man called Nagato. He possesses the ocular power known as the Rinnegan allowing him the ability to manipulate each of the six bodies known as 'paths'. Nagato is able to see, feel and attack with each of these bodies allowing him to coordinate attacks amongst all the bodies at once. Each of the paths have specific abilities with one main ability. The plan is this, there are six paths and seven of us. So once Nagato brings in each of the paths it'll basically be one-on-one. But until them we split into teams of two."

"And the girl?" Jugo asked.

"Konan won't be a problem, Nagato wants to take Jiraiya out himself. He'll get Konan to retreat." Though my explanations were concrete. I knew that theory and practice were very different. I knew that only enlisting the help of my squad was dangerous, but I couldn't risk the others deterring from their predetermined paths at this point. With my squad and I assisting Jiraiya, we could deter Nagato and Konan, and save Jiraiya from his predicted fate. I knew it was a risk. But I had no other option.

At this, I explained which path possessed each ability. "Jugo and Karin, you will take on the Animal Path. Remember he can summon a variety of entities so be careful. Suigetsu, you and Tayuya will take on the Human Path. Remember not to let him place his hands on you. Kouta, you and I will take on the Preta Path, it means we have to rely on trapping and no impactful attacks." Taking a deep breath, I looked out at Jiraiya. His fight with Konan had been interrupted. His focus now directed at the figure standing above him. I recognized at a glance that this path was the Animal path, the bodies long red hair tied into a neat ponytail.

The two engaged in an intense discussion, their gaze never leaving one another. Through the path, Nagato explained to Jiraiya why he formed the Akatsuki and what business he had with the collection of the Biju. I found myself feeling slightly akin with the obviously misguided actions of Nagato. I knew that he was attempting to rid the world of any and all choice, destroying the world and thus freeing it from any further pain and suffering. But somehow, I understood. As someone who had been through so much pain, so much heartache. Sometimes I wanted it all to go away. To disappear. I thought that even death, would be better than the life that I was living. I wasn't spiritual, nor religious in any sense of the word. But even the idea of ceasing to exist was sometimes tempting.

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