Chapter Fifty-Six: The Impossible Return.

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Sakura POV

As I continually worked on Lady Tsunade, her injuries severe, I felt sweat form on my brow. I was exhausted, hours of leading Konoha's medical forces and healing those that I could, had completely wiped me out. I was both physically and mentally drained, not to mention my ever growing anxiety for my teammates. Kakashi sensei was dead, killed viciously by the Paths of Pain. I had seen Beth alongside Naruto during the initial battle, but after the evacuation Beth's whereabouts were unknown. Naruto had told our forces that Beth had been gravely injured during their battle with Pain, her injuries requiring immediate medical ninjutsu. But when medical shinobi were sent to her location, she was nowhere to be seen.

Sasuke was missing, his whereabouts unknown. I didn't know if he had been caught in the blast, if his body was lying in the rubble somewhere, or if he was okay. I prayed that he was alive, that he was on his way to the evacuation zone.

Then there was Naruto. Such maturity had arisen within Naruto in such a short time, the loss of his Master causing something to break within him. When he had appeared after his training in Mount Myoboku I almost didn't recognise him, the power that radiated from him unlike anything I had ever seen. He fought so hard to protect us, after everything that he had gone through, he still kept on fighting, his resolve unshakable.

Naruto had commanded our forces to let him handle the Pain situation, but still my heart beat with uncertainty. Naruto was my closest friend. He was my teammate, my family. I needed to know he was alright. I needed to know they were all alright.

I was surrounded by the bodies of so many fallen comrades. Kakashi sensei, Hinata, Shizune. People I cared about. A heaviness weighed on my chest. But I couldn't give in. I couldn't stop. So many were injured, so many mourning the loss of their loved ones. I couldn't mourn, not yet. Not until the fight was over. That was the way of the shinobi.

"Sasuke!" called out Lee, spotting Sasuke as he entered the clearing. Whipping my head around I was greeted with a welcoming sight. Sasuke looked for the most part unharmed, but his expression was... off. In his arms he held a figure, the woman's face buried in Sasuke's chest. As he came closer, the details of the grisly scene began to fall into place.

"Beth..." Shikamaru whispered, his eyes wide with shock.

Sasuke's eyes were raw, as if he had been crying. Blood stained his skin and clothing, hidden only slightly by the dark colour of the fabric. Turning my attention to Beth, I pushed myself up off the floor and ran to my squadmates. Medical shinobi took my place in working on Lady Tsunade immediately, a feeling of gratefulness washing over me.

"Beth." I called, reaching Sasuke. I couldn't help but gasp as the details of her body came into view. She had been impaled by a long thin weapon, a sword perhaps, which had done immense damage to her chest. Her skin was pale, more so than usual, almost white. Touching her hand, she felt cool to the touch, not as warm as a living human should be. She was dead. For at least an hour or so. I felt a tear slip from my eye as I turned my attention to Sasuke. I kept my voice low and gentle, knowing that Sasuke's emotional state couldn't have been healthy in that moment. "You can place her down next to Kakashi sensei."

Sasuke, silent, proceeded to walk over to where Kakashi sensei's body had been laid down. Gently, he placed Beth's body down on the grass next to Kakashi. Even in death, Beth was still beautiful, her blonde hair casting her face in a golden silhouette. The grief I felt was beginning to take control, tears streaming from my eyes. But I had work to do. Taking a deep breath, I wiped the tears away using my glove, before returning to Lady Tsunade.

"Sakura, maybe you should take a minute." Shikamaru suggested.

"No. I'm fine. I need to keep treating Lady Tsunade. I won't let her die." I kept my voice as calm as possible whilst steadying my breathing. I needed to be calm in order to be most effective.

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