Chapter Seventy-Nine: Imposter Syndrome.

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Beth POV

As night befell the battlefield, the day's fight had come to a close. Those who had managed to survive the onslaught had regrouped at one of the medical retreatment zones; covert outposts fitted with medical ninja and supplies to help the wounded. The outposts were also an opportunity for commanders to assess their loses and report back to HQ, allowing new strategies to be put in place.

As my fellow shinobi retreated to the safe zone, I had taken it upon myself to stay on the battlefield and save whomever I could. Utilising the Flying Thunder God Technique, I searched the immediate area for any shinobi who could be saved, transporting them to the retreatment zone and bringing attention to their injuries. However, many I came across could not be saved. So, I did what I had to, and ended their suffering. It broke a piece of my soul to do so, especially for those who were younger than myself. But it was a better fate than the one that would befall them if I left them behind.

The day had cost many lives, more than I dared to speculate. And this was just two divisions. Despite our success at taking down multiple of Kabuto's reanimated puppets, we had still made some costly mistakes. Having been able to seal away the Gold and Silver brothers, with the help of HQ's delivery of the Kohaku no Johei and Benihisago, we still had come short as Tobi attacked. Reclaiming the Benihisago from us, it was clear to us all that Tobi intended to use the Nine Tails Chakra within Ginkaku to aid in his revival of the Ten Tailed Beast.

As that realisation had sunken in, I had to stop myself from punching the ground in frustration. How could I have been so careless? How could I not have realised that the Gold and Silver brothers were Tobi's ticket to unlocking the Nine Tails chakra should Naruto not be found? But as Asuma calmed me down with words of encouragement and support, I knew he was right. I couldn't dwell on mistakes, instead needing to focus on solutions.

In total, I managed to transport just under fifty shinobi to the nearest retreatment outpost, the medical shinobi doing their best to take care of them. But even I could tell that they were outnumbered, drowning in the sheer number of injuries and trauma caused by this senseless war. I did my best to assist, but I was no medical ninja. My mind drifted to Sakura, wondering if she too was inundated by injured soldiers.

"Beth?" A familiar voice called softly from behind me as I worked to bandage an injury on a Sunagakure shinobi's leg. Whipping my head around, I came face to face with Hinata who didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around me. Returning the favour, I squeezed her tightly in my arms, causing a slight grimace to erupt from her. Realising my error, I attempted to let go, but Hinata only grabbed me once more, holding me in place.

"I'm glad you're safe." Hinata whispered.

"You too. There were so many bodies." I admitted, taking a deep breath.

"I know. They just kept coming, we couldn't keep up." Hinata replied, finally releasing me before gesturing for Neji, who had reunited with TenTen, to come over to us.

"Beth." Neji greeted; his eyes fixed on me.

"Nice to see you, Neji." I echoed, quietly assessing the wound on Hinata's arm.

"And you. Are you're comrades around here by chance? I would like to thank them more sincerely for their assistance earlier today." Neji asked, turning his head in all directions.

"Who? Kouta?" I questioned.

"Kouta and Jugo, they helped Neji and I when we were retreating from the front line. We were overrun and they got us out before continuing on to back up the First Division." Hinata clarified.

"Oh, yeah. Kouta was helping some of the other medical ninja a little while ago. And I think Jugo was assisting the guard." I answered, remembering the euphoric feeling of seeing Jugo and Kouta safe. Nodding in thanks, Neji walked into the medical tent, presumably searching for Kouta. Hinata was close behind, TenTen by her side.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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