Chapter Eight: Lies.

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Kakashi POV

We approached the large exterior wall surrounding the Sand village cautiously. We knew that the devastation caused by the Akatsuki attack had caused a outbreak of anxiety amongst the citizens living inside the village, and we wanted to make sure that our appearance was seen as less of an intrusion and instead as the friendly volunteering of charitable services.

I always questioned actions taken on important missions such as this one. I wondered what our presence looked like to each person and what it would mean to them. For example, to some of the Sand ninja we were here to gather information and assist in services needed to return the village to its former glory; to other Sand ninja we could be seen as a threat, spies attempting gather intel for an oncoming attack. To a poor citizen who had been affected by the explosives used to destroy the village, our presence could've been seen as another intrusion, one that would lead to more damage, and thus unwarranted.

Though our mission was to gather information on the situation and provide any services that we were able, the worry Naruto had for Gaara and his wellbeing was shown on all over his face. Sakura was focused, her mind immediately concerned with the shinobis explaining Kankuro's current condition. Sasuke seemed contained in his own thoughts however, remaining silent as Temari and the others lead us to the administration building. I wondered if he was still consumed with the idea of finding Beth. Looking in his eyes, I was sure that he wanted to find her more than anything, even if it meant jeopardising the mission at hand.  

Sasuke had changed so much since Beth's departure. His attitude morphing from one of anger to one of complete and utter fury. He was no longer rational, his emotions now controlling him to a dangerous degree. I wondered if Beth had been his breaking point. Having lost his clan, having lost his first opportunity for revenge against his brother, and then Beth. It was only a matter of time before something broke. But I couldn't let him delve too deeply into that darkness, for fears that he would never return to the light. Though, a small doubt plagued my thoughts, a thought which whispered that Sasuke was always destined to become this. 

Shivers ran down my spine at the thought of Sasuke losing control. The idea of failing not one, but two of my students too much to bear.

Temari bid farewell to Baki before gesturing us forward. As we ran through the village we were greeted with a grisly sight, the village was completely destroyed in certain areas. It was as if small but powerful bombs had been thrown into specific areas and detonated without consideration of the death count. We had been told that over three hundred casualties and injuries had been a result of the attack; the Kazekage included.

As we passed through a specific neighbourhood, one that had been bombed and destroyed, I spotted a young child. The young girl couldn't have been older than ten, her long brown hair tied behind her back in a ponytail, her large blue eyes shedding tears for the two dead bodies lying before her. Her eyes, so big and bright, they reminded me so much of Beth.

A flash of Beth echoed in my mind. Her tears streaming down her face as she cried that she had failed the Third Hokage. I had tried to comfort her, to calm her as we attempted to take her to see medical shinobi. This child's eyes, they were so much like Beth.

The child turned to me as we passed, stared at me with those eyes. Sakura was watching her too, veering towards the girl. Sakura placed a comforting hand onto the girl's bony shoulder and smiled gently. Naruto and I came towards the pair also, Temari and Sasuke hanging in the background.

"Mother and father, they're... not waking... up..." she choked between her sobs.

"I know. I know it hurts, I'm so sorry." Sakura whispered softly.

Naruto: Lost In Kishimoto - Revenge [Book 2]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin