Chapter Nine: Information.

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 Beth POV

As we fled through the desert, trying to make as much distance between us and the two Akatsuki members as possible, I kept my eyes on Gaara. Holding me in his arms, he begged me to stay awake, to not give in to the urges of my body telling me to close my eyes for even a moment. I tried to focus on the pain, thinking that my screaming nerves would prevent me from falling asleep. 

The sun was hot, its rays beaming down on us. I knew we were in the middle of the desert but heat was something we didn't need in our current situation. Gaara hardly seemed to notice. Being that he was from the desert and had spent his entire life in these hot conditions made it clear that the only one bothered was me. As to whether or not that was solely because of the heat and not a consequence of the holes in my body, I wasn't entirely sure.

"Beth!" I heard a familiar voice yell from the distance. Tayuya...?

Gaara stopped dead in the middle of the desert, wind blowing dust up at us, staring at my friend, her whistle already poised by her mouth.

I tilted my head in her direction before winking at her in a friendly manner. "Gaara... its just... Tayuya." I croaked.

"I would say it's nice to see you again, but..." Tayuya insulted, her hand unrelaxing.

"Yes... no need... for alarm..." I whispered. Tayuya approached quickly, her trust in me as strong as ever.

"What happened to her?" Tayuya asked, staring at my injuries.

"The Akatsuki, the criminal known as Deidara had numerous bombs planted on her body. When helping me she was injured."  Gaara's voice was still weary, but I could tell he trusted Tayuya as long as I advocated for her.

"She's not going to last long without a medic. We should get her to the nearest hideout just outside the desert. Give her to me, we should make it in time." I could feel Gaara's muscles tense at the notion of leaving me in Tayuya's hands. However before he could protest I placed a weak hand on Gaara's cheek, forcing him to look at me, before nodding.

"I trust her... with my life... you know that" I whispered. 

"Not sure I do though." Gaara replied. With a weak smile I cupped his face and then let my hand fall. Gaara smiled and handed me over to Tayuya, who took me without falter. She was ridiculously strong, physically and mentally, two reasons why I was glad she was my friend and not my enemy.

She pulled me close and supported my back and legs with her arms, then with one sharp nod she started to turn; I waved my hand slowly at Gaara as we turned away. "Gaara... be careful." I cried as Tayuya began moving away.

As we sped away from Gaara I could only slightly overhear the sounds of a fight, an explosion and a yell. But with my current condition, I didn't know for sure if it was my mind playing tricks on me, or if it was something more sinister.

"Tayuya... what was... that noise... those noises back there..."  I asked, my eyes slowly narrowing. Tayuya didn't look back, her head facing straight in front of us in the direction of Orochimaru's nearest hideout, complete with a full team of medical ninja's turned research scientists.

Tayuya continued to speed through the sand, her main objective of saving my life more important than anything else. However as she concentrated on the path ahead and how much longer it would take to reach our desired location, I needed a distraction.

"What... info... did you... gather?"  I breathed. Tayuya hesitated but eventually decided that telling me would do more good than harm.

"They're strong, your friends."  She shook her head. "Not as strong as you are but not too far behind. The blonde one has grown more mature, although still retains the youthful nature of his personality."

"You... sound... like me." I laughed. Tayuya didn't respond with words but rather a simple smile.

"Your friend Sakura is much like the Hokage, Tsunade. She has been taught to be quick and powerful in her kunoichi training. Evasion and medical jutsu her specialties." I smiled at the thought of Sakura's progress, her hopes to become as highly regarded as Tsunade no longer out of reach. "Lover-boy is most interesting." As Sasuke came up I felt my body tense slightly, hoping the news of his progress was good. "He has improved immensely in power and strength since our last check-up, however his hatred of all things hasn't. He really hates you."  At that my eyes widened, despite the massive blood loss that I was experiencing. A part of me felt like I would have to face him eventually, sooner rather than later as I hoped. 

I tried not to convey my surprise or sadness to Tayuya, but somehow I felt as though she knew without being told.

"Kakashi... sensei?" I coughed out, a small trickle of blood escaping from my mouth.

"Your sensei still believes in you, though he doesn't outwardly admit it. He discovered a little girl you saved in the attack on Sunagakure. He also has reason to believe that you left the village because of blackmail."

"So basically... you're saying... that he is... close... to finding... out the truth." I whispered.

I couldn't think nor understand what I had to do in order to defuse the situation, if I had to do anything at all. Did I have to tell Kakashi sensei everything in hopes of him understanding my plans? Or did I have to attack Kakashi sensei in hopes of convincing him of the 'wickedness' that Orochimaru has bestowed onto me over the course of our training. My mind spun. But then I thought of another outcome, one which meant I wouldn't have to tell anyone anything.

What was I thinking? Dying would be a cop-out. I had to finish what I started. That meant delivering this scroll to Orochimaru and ensuring his trust in me, and when Naruto and the others finally found me after wounding Orochimaru, then I would strike. Orochimaru would be killed, and I would return to Konoha as if I had never left, bringing with me information that would allow the shinobi of the world to stop the Akatsuki.

That was easy in theory. Practice? Not so much. But as I lay there in Tayuya's arms I couldn't help but feel slightly good about myself in regard to Kakashi sensei. He trusted and supported me so much as to believe the word of an young child without any evidence providing my innocence.

I miss you Kakashi sensei, you were the closest thing to a father that I'd ever had.

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