Chapter Eighteen: Countdown.

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Sasuke POV

“You want to kill me for what I did to you three years ago, and I’ll give you the chance. But I have some business which is in progress. When that’s all taken care of, you will have your chance. Alright?”

Her words echoed inside my mind. An enigma I couldn’t for the life of me figure out. Her words were a poison slowly driving me insane. She was an obsession. An addiction I couldn’t quit. I remembered the way she had smirked as she tempted me to attack. Her lips curling upwards on one end, the way she had always done. However there was a serious difference in the expression nowadays. Where the smirk held a degree of mystery and beauty before, now it held a certain obnoxious quality.

I hated her. I wanted her dead. And yet I found myself longing for her. The touch of her soft pale skin, the shine of her blonde hair, the way her eyes would remind me of the water in our secret place. She had driven me insane. It wasn’t the loss of my clan which had shattered my sanity, it was a girl. A stupid, insignificant girl.

“Sasuke. Did you really think it would be that easy?” Sakura asked as she walked over to me with a canteen of water which she offered without making eye contact. I stayed silent, disinterested in her criticism. “Well you were never one for words. But it’s my job as your friend to tell you when you’re being a complete idiot.” At this I looked up at her, my eyes like dagger stabbing into her. This is when she looked at me. “Did you think she spent those three years sleeping and improving on her already developed knowledge of sarcasm? Or maybe you expected her to just let you kill her?” She shook her head before continuing. “And another thing, did you think we’d let you kill her? We already told you it wasn’t going to happen. Beth is an enemy of Kohona and should be treated as the Hokage wishes. She is to be captured and brought before Kohona where they will interrogate–“

“I’M WELL AWARE OF WHAT THE HOKAGE WISHES SAKURA!” I yelled, squeezing my hands so tightly into fists I felt my nails break the skin of my palms. “And you know what? I don’t fucking care. The Hokage can unleash whatever wrath she wants… after I kill Beth.”

“YOU’RE NOT KILLING BETH!” Sakura screamed back, her posture stiff.

“YOU DON’T CONTROL ME!” I retorted. I felt a bead of sweat drip down the side of my face.

“CONTROL YOURSELF!” At this point Naruto and Captain Yamato came between us, Yamato in front of me and Naruto in front of Sakura. Naruto still found it hard to look at Sakura after what happened with Orochimaru, and it was blatantly obvious the loss of Beth was also taking its toll. He looked exhausted, and yet an exhausted Naruto would still be able to control a furious Sakura. I had no motivation to indulge in the confrontation any longer and so I turned in a huff and walked a few paces towards the direction in which we had to follow to get back to Kohonagakure. Sakura nodded at Naruto communicating her calm and roughly turned in the opposite direct, walking forward until she found a large rock formation which she leaned on, her arms crossed over her chest.

“I think it best if we just started towards the village… I believe Kakashi would be eager to hear the events that have taken place” Captain Yamato commented with finality before gesturing for Naruto and Sakura to start towards the village. I waited for the rest of them to pass before following behind, my breathing rough.


Beth POV

“I’ve got a joke for you. Why did the musician let the chicken join his band?” I sighed as Kouta waited, obviously waiting for me to indulge in this tedious process where he would tell a joke in hopes of making me laugh. Eventually giving up he finally said the punch-line. “He had his own drum sticks. Eh? Funny yeah?” I stayed silent. “Alright, alright. How about this… Why did the chicken cross the basketball court?” Once again I said nothing. “Because he heard the ref was blowing fowls! Ha! That one was funny, it was funny right?”

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