Chapter Forty-Nine: Birds.

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Beth POV

I remembered the day I arrived at Orochimaru's hideout so vividly. My heart was pounding as I awoke to Kabutos lab, his sinister form looming over me. He explained that he had spent several days healing my injuries, ensuring that my body was ripe and worthy of becoming Orochimaru's vessel. He informed me that Tayuya had managed to escape from her confrontation with Shikamaru, but only barely. She had sustained serious injuries and her body had taken a toll from using the curse mark for such an extended period. But Kabuto explained that it was hardly something to dwell on, saying that because of her failure to deliver me in time, she would no longer be in the service of Orochimaru. I knew he was saying that Orochimaru intended to kill Tayuya, but at that moment I didn't know what to think of that information. I couldn't trust anyone, let alone someone who I remembered as being an accomplice to the Third Hokage's death.

The days passed with me resting, healing my wounds and becoming accustomed to the darkness of Orochimaru's hideouts. I longed for the sunlight, but Orochimaru believed that the risk of such a luxury was not worthwhile. And so I stayed underground, walking the long darkened halls of the hideout, longing to know how my friends were doing. How was Sasuke? I thought. Did he hate me? Though I knew the answer to such a query, the optimistic, though naïve, outlook that maybe he could forgive me, gave me a glimmer of hope. It was my ember in the dark.

It was raining the day that Tayuya was set to be killed. I could hear each individual droplet slamming against the ground above, rejuvenating life on the surface. Orochimaru was contemplating Tayuya's usefulness amongst his ranks, arguing with himself about the rarity of her second tier curse mark. Kabuto came to fetch me from my quarters, guiding me down the endless corridors to a large foyer where Orochimaru was waiting. He greeted me with his snake-like voice, wrapping an arm around my torso and bringing me towards the middle of the room, where Tayuya was waiting.

Her hands were bound, as well as her feet. Her face was beaten and bloodied, but her fists were also decorated with bruises. She had been fighting. Fighting to live.

"Tayuya, you have failed me. You put the life of my precious vessel in jeopardy. In addition, you also couldn't defeat that Chuunin from the Leaf Village, even utilizing the power of the curse mark." Orochimaru stated, his voice venomous. "I cannot sustain weakness."

"Lord Orochimaru, I–" Tayuya began, her voice rough and dry.

"Enough." Orochimaru commanded. "You are no longer of use to me." Summoning a large serpent, Orochimaru ordered the serpent to lunge at Tayuya. I didn't know why I did what I did, but something told me to move. To save her. Almost like a reflex.

"Stop!" I yelled, putting myself in between the snake and Tayuya. "Give her to me." I said.

"What?" Kabuto exclaimed. "Lord Orochimaru's orders are absolute!"

"Orochimaru wants me to train, to develop my body into a powerful weapon that he can use when the time comes. Tayuya can help me with that. She can help me with training and with using the curse mark." My arguments were solid, appealing to any sense of rationality that still resided within Orochimaru. Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, thinking.

"Very well, my sweet. Tayuya, you will be under Beth's command. Consider yourself lucky that Beth is more compassionate than I, though if I have it my way, that compassion will soon be snuffed." And with that Kabuto and Orochimaru left the foyer, muttering to each other about the events which had just unfolded.

Bending down I released Tayuya from her restraints. The metal of the cuffs had scratched off the first few layers of skin on Tayuyas wrists and ankles, leaving them raw and sore.

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