Chapter Sixty-Seven: Separation.

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Beth POV

The sound of metal on metal flooded the prison, forcing me to my feet as I ran over to the bars of my cell. Asao immediately awakened his Byakugan ability, his sensory prowess allowing him to detect the intruders within an instant. Shinta jumped to action, speeding off towards the commotion. Asao remained however, acting as a last line of defence between me and my escape. But I could tell he was nervous, Jugo's intense chakra signature filling my senses like a drug.

"I would run." I sniped, my mouth curling into a smirk. "If Jugo doesn't take you out, Tayuya will."

"I follow orders." Asao responded.

"There's a difference between following orders and needlessly throwing your life away." I began. "I'm going to get out of here, whether you stay or not. The decision you have to make it whether to stay and fight pointlessly or run and tell Kakashi about what's happening down here." I could see that my points had made an impact, Asao letting his gaze drift slightly towards the floor as he contemplated his decision. "If you're going to retreat, I'd do it now. Because I'd give you about seven seconds before Jugo crashes through that hallway." I threatened.

Asao turned to me, his face stern. "I will not disobey the Hokage's orders." He stated, adamant.

"I hope you don't live to regret that decision." I replied, taking a step away from the bars.

Just as I had predicted, a few seconds later the sounds of Jugo's approach reached my ears, causing me to back up even further into my cell. I watched as Asao tensed at the sight of Jugo's transformed appearance, one half of his body grey in colour, a strange axe-like formation growing out of his arm. Jugo charged for the man, laughing as he did so. Asao managed to dodge the first attack, but was quickly overwhelmed as Jugo charged once again, this attack striking the Konoha shinobi in the arm. Adapting, Asao also struck Jugo in the arm, striking the various chakra points with calculated jabs. Jugo reeled backwards, before laughing once more and attempting another attack. The attack slammed straight into the bars of my cage, breaking open a large enough gap for me to fit through. Manipulating my body through the bars, I managed to break free.

Standing, I turned my attention to Jugo, who was still in his berserk state of mind, his murderous side beginning to take over as the grey half to his body grew further and further. "Jugo!" I called out. At the sound of my voice I watched as Jugo hesitated, glancing at me. Asao didn't miss the opportunity to attack however, striking at Jugo with an unnerving calmness. Immediately, I intervened. I had fought against Hinata many times during our training sessions together. The intent being to increase Hinata's skill in taijutsu techniques against a flexible and quick opponent. However, what she didn't realise was that she was also assisting me with my own training, providing me with the opportunity to find a weakness in the Hyuga clans jutsu.

Sliding under the Konoha shinobi's legs, I quickly grabbed the mans weapons pouch. Pulling out three kunai, I launched myself into the air, bouncing off the wall to get myself into the correct position. Throwing the three kunai, I made sure that one was directly launched into the Byakugan's blind spot. I had known of such a spot from the manga during Neji's fight against Kidomaru. However, I hadn't known exactly how to pinpoint it before my training with Hinata.  

The kunai quickly embedded itself into the shinobi's body, causing him to freeze momentarily. As Jugo lurched backwards, I quickly attacked once more. Slamming a chakra infused fist into the back of the man's head, I watched as his body fell limp, falling face first onto the broken stone below, unconscious.

"Look at me Jugo." I commanded, keeping my voice low as I approached my comrade. He followed my order immediately, his eyes staring straight into me. His body quivered with internal conflict, his teeth gritted. Summoning my chakra to my hand, I slowly began running my palm over Jugo's body, utilising my chakra in a comforting way rather than as an offensive weapon. Warmth began returning to Jugo's body, the grey skin formations slowly disappearing. "Thankyou Jugo. You rescued me." I said calmly. After another moment I watched as Jugo's left eye returned to its normal copper brown colour.

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