Chapter Seventy-Three: HQ.

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Beth POV

Pulling the hood of my cloak up over my hair, I lowered my gaze, focusing on the grey pavement below my tired feet. The cloud shinobi, who had since informed me that his name was Hiroki, attempted to guide me through the quieter passageways of the village. Having been built across a series of mountains, the Village Hidden in the Cloud was an intriguing labyrinth of winding bridges and underground tunnels. Glowing stones illuminated the intricate tunnel systems, a far more efficient light source then torches.

We moved swiftly through the village, attempting to avoid large crowds of shinobi, both foreign and domestic. Despite my position as a Leaf Village shinobi, my face had been heavily advertised throughout my time under the guise of Orochimaru's servant. I had been labelled an S-ranked criminal, and with that title came a certain infamy, one that saw each person in the shinobi world become familiar with my appearance.

Hiroki informed me that we were headed to the Allied Shinobi Force headquarters. The exact location of HQ was a heavily guarded secret, with only those within the Intelligence and Communication divisions being made aware its exact location. The five Kage, as well as each of the division commanders, were also aware of its location. Hiroki explained that Naruto, Killer B, and I were to be housed within HQ until the morning when we would be transported to the location of the Kage's choosing. There we would remain until the Akatsuki was defeated.

From what I could gather, HQ couldn't have been more than a few hours outside of Kumogakure. It was a logical assumption as such a position would allow consistent communication between divisions and HQ whilst also allowing those in high ranking positions ample space to manoeuvre themselves to help wherever needed. At the same time, by being far enough away from the battlefield, the Akatsuki's sensory abilities were no longer a threat.

As we entered the fortress, the sounds of chaos flooded my senses. I attempted to keep my head down as Hiroki instructed, and yet curiosity got the better of me. Hanging on a wall nearby, I caught a glimpse of various topographical maps of the Land of Lightning and Land of Frost. Detailed landscapes were marked with varying diagrams of potential combat units, all the while speculating predicted casualties and margins for error. I could feel myself falling behind Hiroki, and yet I couldn't find the will to care. Moving off towards the side I found myself analysing the proposed strategies outlined by Shikaku Nara, the chief strategist for the Alliance. Glancing across the maps I found myself searching for various division placements. Immediately my eyes darted for the location of the Third Division. Then the First, then the Second, then Third. It wasn't long before Hiroki realised what I was doing, immediately coming up beside me and placing a firm hand on my forearm.

"Beth, we need to keep moving." Hiroki spoke, his voice low.

"The First Division is placed along the western edge of the Land of Lightning." I commented, my voice monotonous. "TenTen's in that division." Lifting my finger, I pointed to the northern border of the Land of Lightning. "That's the Second Division, Hinata and Neji are in there." Bringing my finger across, I rested the tip on the border of the Land of Frost. "This is the Third Division, this is where Sasuke, Kakashi sensei, Sakura, Lee and Gai sensei are stationed."

"Beth," Hiroki began, "This is the best possible strategy for the forces we have. Trust in your friend's abilities and keep hope that you will see them again." Sighing, Hiroki released his grip on my arm before tugging the edge of my cloak, prompting me to follow him. Taking one last glance at the strategy map, I turned and followed the cloud shinobi, thoughts of my friends filling my mind with each step.

Walking down a large hallway, Hiroki and I eventually came to a domineering doorway. Knocking swiftly twice on the surface of the door, Hiroki patiently waited, crossing his arms and straightening his posture. It didn't take long for a reply to sound.

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