Chapter Three: I'll Find You.

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Sasuke POV

I stood in the middle of the training ground awaiting Kakashi sensei's arrival. He had promised to be there at noon but once again he arrived late. He appeared in a flash, his head immersed in a new book written by Lord Jiraiya, also known as one of the Three Legendary Sanin. Every time Naruto would speak of Jiraiya (or as he called him Pervy Sage) my mind would automatically lead to the Three Sanin, which would lead me to Orochimaru, which would finally bring my mind back to Beth.

Beth, Beth, BETH! Every day she would pop into my mind without warning. Why was she haunting me? Invading my dreams and causing my nightmares? Ever since she left I had wished to enact revenge upon her, to watch her suffer as I had, and yet I still thought of her as the friend I had when I was twelve.

Although, sometimes the reoccurrence of her being inside my mind was a good thing. It made sure that I never lost sight of my intentions. She was to be punished, killed for leaving and betraying the village. This was something I could not waver from. When she was taken care of, and Orochimaru was killed, I would then continue on the path of revenge against my brother. I had lost sight of his fate while with Beth, but since her betrayal everything had been painfully clear.

People had called me obsessed, and had told me to forget Beth and Itachi, to walk my own path. But that I couldn't do, not while Beth was free and Itachi was alive.

"What took you so long?!" I yelled as Kakashi greeted me. His face was serious as he placed his book away and turned to me.

"It's Beth. She's most definitely alive." The words shocked me. Even though I had thought all along that Beth was alive, that Kabuto had saved her, the sureness of her survival hit me hard.

"We already knew that." I muttered. Kakashi sighed and looked up at the sky.

"Yes, but now we have proof." He continued. I turned to him and stared. "We had no evidence that Beth was the one who delivered her headband. It could've been one of Orochimaru's followers pretending to be Beth."

"And now?" I asked, turning away from Kakashi and looking out to the woods surrounding us.

"Three Chuunin shinobi were returning from an escort mission from the Land of Lightning when they were attacked. Takamura Kimio the leader of the mission can confirm that it was Beth. It's miraculous that he and his teammates weren't killed. They were simply knocked out. They just got back and told the Hokage of the events." Each syllable that Kakashi sensei spoke sent shockwaves through me. We weren't just certain that she was alive, we were certain that she was close-by. That was more than enough for me. I was ready.

I turned towards the village and started to walk. "Sasuke!" Kakashi yelled after me. He put a hand on my shoulder, spinning me around. Shrugging him off, I took another step backwards and stared.

"She has to pay. For what she did to the village..." I started.

"For what she did to you." Kakashi stated bluntly.

"I don't care about what she did to me. She's a criminal."

"It's not as if she's caused any problems before. In addition you didn't let me finish. She wasn't alone." I watched him curiously and waited for more information. "Tayuya was with her." That name was familiar. In fact I recognised it instantly. Tayuya, member of the since-disbanded sound ninja four. She had been able to get away from Shikamaru and run back to Orochimaru, since then there had been no information on her whereabouts; very similar to Beth. I should've guessed they'd still be working together.

"Where were they heading?" I asked with a determined tone.

"They saw her days ago, Sasuke. We have no information on their whereabouts now. Beth and Tayuya are most definitely no longer in the Land of Fire. As to why they were in the first place is something we're trying to figure out. Along with why she was so careless as to attack shinobi of the leaf village." Kakashi sensei was correct. It was a stupid move to be seen by a Konoha shinobi. Especially since she had taken so much care for the last few years trying to hide from us. It was a mystery that would've been beneficial to our tracking of her. But I didn't care about her reasoning; I just wanted to find her.

"You can't stop Naruto and me from going after her." Kakashi sighed once more and continued speaking.

"Yes I can. By keeping you in my sight at all times. Sakura and Naruto are being watched over by Lord Jiraiya and Shizune." I could've almost laughed if I weren't so irritated.

"Are you kidding me?!" I yelled. "This may be our only chance!"

"We will have another chance Sasuke. But embarking on a wild goose chase looking for someone who doesn't want to be found; isn't the way to handle this." Kakashi sensei's tone of voice grew more and more irritated.

"Don't you want to follow her Kakashi sensei?! You loved Beth like a daughter. You cared for her more than the rest of us, we all knew that! Why are you standing idly by, allowing her to get further and further away from us, again!?" My fury was uncontrollable. My hands, curled up in fists, were shaking by my sides. My eyes staring dead straight into Kakashi's.

"There is a reason, Sasuke." Kakashi yelled out.

"And what is it?!" I screamed.

"Simple. You don't want to bring Beth back to the village like Naruto, Sakura and I, do. The amount of anger and residual feelings you have towards her... you want to kill her don't you Sasuke?" I stood still and then turned my gaze towards the ground. My hands loosened and my breathing reduced to a normal rate.

"Beth is nothing more than a memory. She doesn't exist anymore, and she stopped existing as soon as she started fighting against Naruto, Sakura and I. She's a threat, a dangerous one. So yes, I want to kill her." Kakashi sensei looked shocked, as if he wished he hadn't got it right in this instance.

"She was the last straw wasn't she?" I stayed silent as he moved closer towards me. "Your clan, Itachi, Beth, it built up too much didn't it." Kakashi shook his head and put another hand on my shoulder, this time I didn't shake it off. "I can't let you go because I would have to follow you, and frankly I have no guarantee that I won't end up defending Beth."

Shaking off his hand once more I turned and looked at the sky in an almost symbolic way hoping that Beth could somehow hear me, and what I was thinking. Lifting my hand up to the sky I managed to capture a leaf, falling from one of the nearby trees. The leaf landed softly in my palm. Crushing my palm into a fist, enclosing the leaf within I thought to myself...

I'll find you, Beth.

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