Chapter Seventy-Four: It Begins.

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Hinata's POV

The world was still, quiet. No one dared speak, the silence pooling like a threatening thunder cloud above our heads. My quickening heart pounded inside my chest, filling my ear with an irregular rhythm. The Intelligence Division had sent word that the enemy had made their move on the Land of Lightning, moving underground to avoid detection. Stationed on the front lines, tasked with defending the northern border of the Land of Lightning, we waited. Neji and I had our Byakugans keenly focused on the open field ahead of us, the rocky landscape setting the stage for a grisly battle that was sure to come at any moment. The frigid air, migrating from the Land of Frost, swept through the orderly battalions. But that wasn't what chilled the rows of shinobi all standing on the cliffs edge, it was the waiting. Waiting to find out whether this would be our last days on earth. Whether we would ever see our loved ones again.

As much as I wanted to stay focused on the fight ahead of me, I couldn't help but allow my mind to wonder, wonder to thoughts of happier days, moments and sensations. Anything to take my mind off the inevitable violence that was to come. My mind drifted to the summer strawberry crops. The trip my sister and I would take to the markets that day in order to purchase the first punnet of the season. How we would walk to the lake coast, sit down on the edge of the dock, and eat every last strawberry. Hanabi would always laugh at how the strawberries changed the colour of our fingers, deepening their pigment to a scarlet red.

They were happier times. I wondered if I would ever experience such moments again.

The image of Naruto's face flashed within my mind just as my mind grew solemn. His welcoming smile and warm laughter providing me with an overwhelming sense of ease and strength. If Naruto could, he too would be standing with his battalion, ready to fight without a single doubt plaguing him. I wondered where he was. Whether he was safe. As thoughts of Naruto continued to dwell within me, resolve flooded my body and mind, spreading like unique virus that I was welcome to receive. I would fight with every part of myself, not only in hopes of seeing Naruto once more, but to protect the world that he, and I, held so dear. A world that I would not see fall into the hands of a man like Tobi.

Just the mention of the man known only as Tobi was enough to cause anger to erupt within me. Memories of the crimes he had committed against my loved ones being more than I could bear. The consistent pain he had caused would never be forgiven; I would see to it personally. So there I stood, hand in hand with my brothers and sisters, awaiting our fates, whatever they may be. I was prepared to die protecting those I loved, as were the others that stood by my side. Irrespective of origin, skill level or past grievances, here they stood ready to defend the world against an imminent threat, loyal to their oaths taken as shinobi.

"Sir, the enemy approaches from the south" Neji concluded, relaying the information to our unit commander, Kitsuchi. The man nodded swiftly before angling his head backwards to address his batallion.

"Prepare for war!" Kitsuchi announced. "Kurotsuchi!" My gaze swayed as I watched the two shinobi perform the signs of an earth ninjutsu. Plunging their hands into the ground in unison, a large rumble echoed from beneath the earth. The world began to shake as the ground formed a volcano-like structure, pushing what lay below to the world above. We watched as, what looked like thousands of white Zetsu clones, were pushed into the air, falling to the ground before us in a threatening army. They remained dormant on the ground for mere seconds, before standing to attention like pillars.

"Hinata, stay close." Neji's voice whispered.

"You too, brother." I replied, nodding swiftly.


TenTen POV

I could feel sweat dripping down the side of my face, yet I remained resolute, my hand resting comfortably on the clip of my weapons pouch. The Second Division, Neji's Division, was the first defence, guarding the border of the Land of Lightning and Land of Frost. The First Division was stationed on the western coast of the Land of Lightning, overlooking the water from a strategic cliff-side. It was inevitable that an attack would reach the shoreline we protected, but it was harder to believe the ease with which the White Zetsu army reached us, having broken past the defence of the Second Division with what had to have been minor casualties.

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