Chapter Twenty-One: The Spread of Information.

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Beth POV

The news of Orochimarus death spread like wildfire, with the shinobi world rejoicing at the announcement of the S-ranked criminals demise. Few people knew that it was my hand which slew the snake, but I had no doubt that the information had reached the ears of the five Kage. 

It had been days since the fight and yet I was still reliving the final moments again and again. My hands clenched themselves into fists without my knowledge and it was only when I felt the gentle trickle of blood dripping down my palm that I realised what I had done. My strength seemed to have evaporated in the last day or so. My focus was all over the place and my head pounded continuously without a moment of ease.

I felt myself lagging behind the group, with Karin, Kouta, and Tayuya far ahead whilst Suigetsu and Jugo were in between me and the first three. My legs felt stiff and began to cramp. My hands shook uncontrollably and much to my dismay I felt myself drift into exhaustion at an incredible speed. In the back of my mind I knew that I had to keep moving. I'd had that feeling since we'd entered the Land of Fire. Something inside me was telling me – no, more like shouting at me – to keep moving, to escape something that I couldn't possibly know about. The story had changed too much, and now it was impossible to predict what certain moves different people would make. I knew I had to follow certain storylines to the end, to make sure that they had in fact changed, but the amount of possible errors in each situation was unnerving at this stage. I had to stay focused, had to make it to where I needed to be. Had to keep moving.

"Where did you say this contact of yours was Beth?" asked Kouta from upfront.

"A little ways ahead. At a food stall located in a small town outside of Konoha." I replied, stumbling over my words.

"I'm just saying – don't you think it's a little odd that your contact asks you to meet him near the one place you should stay away from?" Kouta continued, his tone reminding me of those conspiracy theorists my brother used to watch when I was little.

"No. Mainly because she is stationed as a diplomat in Konoha and this was as far as she could go to meet me." With every word I felt myself become more and more nauseas.

"Well this chick better tell you what you need to know. I'm getting bored with all this travelling. Kind of want to punch something... or someone–" Kouta eerily turned towards Jugo and smiled. "– hey big guy, care to show off your dark side in a little sparring match? Promise I'll go easy on you."

"No fighting. That's the last thing we need." Karin chimed in giving a disapproving look towards Kouta.

"Okay Raspberry no need to get all – sour." As soon as Kouta let out the last word he burst into laughter, the sound breaking the silence which flowed throughout the rest of us. "Oh come on! That was clever."

"Only if clever means the same as idiotic." Tayuya added. "Now can you all just focus, we're almost there."

Tayuya was correct in her time evaluation. It didn't take more than ten minutes for us to reach the border of the small town. The town was approximately half a days trek from Konoha and for that reason many shinobi from the leaf village were scattered throughout, refilling canteens or even staying the night. We needed to be vigilant when dealing with such a situation, luckily my contact chose a particularly secluded meeting place for us.

As we approached the small food vendor I felt my head start to spin, my vision became blurry for a few moments before returning to normality. My hands had begun to shake once again and I felt myself stumble to grab hold of something that would allow me to rebalance. My heart was pounding hard inside my chest but after a few seconds and a few deep breaths my body began to calm itself. My vision returned to normal and my hands steadied, but I couldn't shake the feeling of absolute sickness that was brewing inside my stomach.

"Beth." Her voice came swift and quick as she took a step towards me. I pushed myself away from the wooden beam I was leaning against and looked up at the figure. She was the same as I remembered her being, tall and curved, the kind of body every man treasured. Her caramel brown hair was tied into four pigtails sticking out in all directions, and her dress flowed down around her. I spotted her fan which was locked in place by a holder swung over her shoulder. Temari.

"Temari." I replied. "Thank you for meeting me." My voice was weak, demonstrating the exact way I felt. I didn't know what was making me feel so ill, but I did know that I had to push it away until I got the information I needed.

"I'd prefer to get this over and done with." Temari gestured for me to sit next to her, a seat which I took as she continued. Tayuya and the rest of my group stood in a nearby alleyway, keeping an eye out for any unfriendly entities. "The Land of Lightning. That's where Itachi Uchiha was last seen. According to my sources he's been spotted in different areas of the Land of Lightning for the last month or so. I don't know what he and Kisame of the Akatsuki are doing there, but that's where they are. I hope this helps you." I nodded.

"Yes, it does. Thank you." Dropping my head into my hand I winced as a shot of pain spread throughout my head. "Tell Gaara I'll contact him as soon as I can."

"Please do. He worries about you. Now, if you'll forgive me I must get back to Konoha. Although there is one more piece of information I have to tell you about." Nodding my head for her to continue, she did. "Kakashi and the others are coming for you. Following your tracks."

"What do you mean the others?" I asked gently.

"Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. As well as Team Gai, Team Kurenai and Team Asuma." I couldn't help but close my eyes for a few moments to think. I expected them to come after me.

"How close are they?" I continued.

"Not very. They left yesterday, moving towards where Orochimaru was killed. However they're moving quickly. If you don't keep your wits about you they could catch up pretty easily. Now, I must say goodbye. Till next time." I nodded.

"Till then Temari." With that Temari turned and left, making her way in the direction that brings one back to the Hidden Leaf Village.

Hopping off of the stool that I sat on I made my way into the alleyway that Tayuya and the others stood in and retold them the information I had just received. I had allowed them to leave whenever they pleased after the demise of Orochimaru and I reminded them all of that fact. It was only Suigetsu whom I promised more too.

"I'll remind you all that there is no need to follow me."

"Got nothing better to do." Kouta joked. "Plus I haven't gotten you into bed yet." With a shake of the head I turned to Karin and Jugo. Tayuya had vowed to be with me until the end and as such I knew of her response.

"I am loyal to you." Jugo stated with a small bow of the head. "You had the respect of Kimimaro, and as such you have my respect."

"As do you have mine. I finally have a friend to fight alongside, and I refuse to give that up." I couldn't help but smile at Karins insinuation that we were friends. I liked Karin, and she had saved me more than once.

"Well then, I guess we're going to the Land of Lightning."

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