48 - Wedding night

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"Change of plans!!" Denmark screams, just as we're about to leave for the after party at my husband's (that word still makes me squeal, fucking hell) house.

"What the hell?" Iceland complains. "I thought we were going to--"

"Then where the fuck are we going?" I demand.

Alfred grins. "We're all gonna go to this karaoke bar--"

"That's so cliche," Norway mutters.

"And then we'll all stay at a hotel!" Liz says, finishing his sentence.

I glance towards Antonio. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah." He nods. "It's alright~"

"Fine, then. Whatever."


After hours of dancing, getting drunk, and listening to everyone scream their hearts out at the karaoke bar, we headed off to the hotel to get some sleep.

Antonio grins. "I wonder where Liz gets all the money for all of this."

"Who knows," I mumbled. "The bitch is crazy."

"By the way," he says, "I like your choice of, umm...shoes."

Taking a quick glance down at my feet, I blush a little. "H-Heels. Yeah."

"You look good in those boots," Antonio jokes. "Why'd you wear them, though?"

I fluff the layers of frills of my dress. "Because I felt like it, dammit."

He grins, and shuts the door. "C'mon, Lovi. You know that wasn't the reason."

This is one of those times I wish he was being a goddamn oblivious dumbass.

And yes -- he probably doesn't know that I know -- but Antonio is actually pretty kinky.

(Although, he most likely didn't realize it himself at first. There's no way he could be that sharp.)

"Fine," I admitted. "I wore the boots because--"

Antonio hugs me. "I know, darling."

"You aren't mad? Isn't it kinda like taking advantage of you or something?"

"Nope. I figured you would want to do something after the wedding, ahaha~"

He's being so fucking nonchalant and casual about this.

I love him.

I shyly lift up the hem of my dress, exposing the underwear Liz had given me along with the dress. It had been a joke, but I wore them anyway. I don't know why.

"Darling," I whisper.

Antonio's face reddens a little. "Bed. Now, Lovino."

I give a small smirk, as we walk into the bedroom, shutting the door behind us like a couple from a Netflix movie.


"Hnn...yes, ohh..nnnmmm..." 

I hold onto his shoulders, as he plants little kisses and bites all over my neck. "I love you," I whisper.

"Are you trying to make me cry here?" Antonio laughs. "Because you're succeeding."

"Idiot, if you cry during sex, that would totally turn me off, dammit!!"

"Sorry, sorry~"

He grins, and caresses the folds of my dress. "I never actually thought about the possibilities of you actually wearing a dress for the wedding..."

Holiday (SpaMano with lil bits of GerIta, USUK, PruHun, and platonic RoMerica.)Where stories live. Discover now