38 - Putang ina mo. (Oh, and Happy New Year, dammit.)

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"Wow, you're such a whore," France laughed, patting Antonio's back.

"And you're drunk," Prussia cackled. "And so am I! Isn't it awesome?"

"I want to fuck a churro," Antonio hiccuped, almost spilling his wine.

I glared at the three bastards. "Goddammit, it isn't even New Year's Eve yet, and you bastards are already drunk?!"

Time had passed, and though Christmas had just finished, everyone was getting hyped for the new year. Before we knew it, it was already the 31st.

"Señor Churro," Antonio called out, running towards me. He hugged my legs, and I almost tripped.

"ANTONIO, WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed. "H-Hey, let me go, dammit!! I'm not a fucking churro!!"

"Doesn't mean he doesn't want to fuck you," Prussia snorted.

"Gil, please," Liz sighed. "You're so drunk."

"Speak for yourself," Prussia retorted to his girlfriend. "You aren't wearing anything on the lower half of your body, except for your panties. Which is awesome for me, but probably not as awesome for you."

"Mood," Alfred laughed, taking a sip of his Coke.

Liz turned red, and lifted her frypan, and Prussia inched away.

"O-Okay, I was joking!!" he protested.

"Sure," Liz scoffed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to get some shorts."

The Hungarian walked upstairs to her room, and I glanced at Prussia.

"She's in a pretty fucking bad mood today, isn't she?" I sighed.

"Yeah," Prussia agreed.

"I wonder why," I said, glaring at him. "The chick emits big gay energy, but she's a gem, you asshole. You don't find many girls like her these days."

"Wow, that escalated quickly," said Alfred.

"He's got a point," Antonio said. "You should go up and talk to her."

"Apologise for being such a massive prick," England suggested.

"Wow, you actually care for once!" Alfred said in awe. England blushed.

"W-Well, I am a gentleman, you know..."

"Oh, dear," France sighed. "He's going on about that 'gentleman' thing again."

"Gentlaman, my ass," I snorted. "Whenever you and Alfred have sex, I always assume there's probably a fucking scone involved in some way."

Prussia ran upstairs to apologise to his girlfriend. Antonio choked out a laugh, wine shooting out of his nose. In pain, he winced, before slamming his face down on the table.

The nations all went off to do their own shit, and I glared at him. "Why'd you have to go and get this drunk, though?"

"You sound disappointed," Antonio laughed. "Why?"

"Because I wanted to have a good night with you," I pouted, tugging on his arm. "And I want you to remember it."

"Aww, Lovi~" he gushed, hugging me. "Ehehdhhhehdheehehehhbxjjdjdjdjd just let me finish one more gla--"

"I'll take that, thanks," I said, swiping the wine glass and bottle away from him. "You're too fucking drunk, dammit."

Antonio leaned in for a kiss on the lips and I sighed, kissing him only on the cheek.

Holiday (SpaMano with lil bits of GerIta, USUK, PruHun, and platonic RoMerica.)Where stories live. Discover now