35 - Merry Crimmus, you bastards!!! And a Happy Meme Year, dammit!!! >:))

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He leaned in closer, and caressed my cheek with one hand, his other gliding up underneath my shirt.

"All I want for Christmas is you," he whispered, "and I think you know exactly in what way I mean that."

I blushed. "Antonio..."



"Lovi, are you okay? Wake up~"

I opened my eyes, and looked at Antonio. He grinned.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked. Thinking about my dream last night, I flushed a deep red, and nodded.

"Y-Yeah, I did..." I covered my crotch area, before he could snap out of his obliviousness and ask just why did I have such a fucking prominent erection in the morning.

"Yo, my dudes!!" Alfred screamed, bursting into our room. I pulled the covers over myself, because I had been lazy that night and went to bed in my fucking underwear.

"A-Alfred, what's up?!" I asked. The American grinned.

"Do you know what today is?"

"Yeah," I answered, still confused. "Wednesday."

"I'm pretty sure it's actually Tuesday."

"I really don't know. Why the fuck do you care so much about what day it is?" I asked.

"Because it's also Christmas Eve!!" Alfred said, shoving a calendar in my face. (Where the fuck did he get that?!) "See?"

Oh, yeah.

On Christmas Eve, we also have to give in our presents to the people we got for Secret Santa.

I got Alfred, and I just picked up a bunch of meme merch and put it in a box, and had it gift-wrapped by a cute girl in the store. (I totally didn't flirt with her, dammit.)

So that was all settled.

Antonio's gift was the hardest to look for, but I thought I'd probably just treat him to a fancy thing I made, like what he whipped up last time for our "at-Japan's-house-date".

Oh, and I bought him a lifetime supply of tomatoes. Don't ask how, I have my ways.

I bought him a shitload of stuff, but I just want to see him happy. Even if I see that pretty much every day. It's still cute.

As for Feliciano, I got him a rare bottle of wine, (my prized possession, dammit) and made it shiny for him, too. He's an annoying fucker, but he's also adorable, and my brother, too.

I got Romeo some stuff too, but that's fucking irrelevant.

Liz told me she got me a gift, too. I'm flattered, but also pretty fucking terrified of what it is. Never underestimate a fujoshi. I learned that the hard way.

After we had gotten dressed, we walked into the lounge, and everyone was doing their usual shit.

"Hey, Lovino!!" Romeo yelled. "Me, Sealand and Wy are playing Scrabble. Play with us! Your boyfriend can play, too."

Antonio grinned at me. "Sounds fun. We should go, Lovi!"

"Hmph, fine," I sighed. "Let's play."



"Ah, I got a word!!" Antonio said. He shuffled around the letters.

"T-E-A-M-O," Wy read out. She made a face. "What's that?"

Holiday (SpaMano with lil bits of GerIta, USUK, PruHun, and platonic RoMerica.)Where stories live. Discover now