15 - Truth or Dare

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"Alright, Iggy!! Truth or dare?" America yelled, pointing at his British boyfriend, who almost dropped his tea. 

China glared at him. "Why don't you drink the tea I offered to everyone instead of that nasty dirt?" he spat out. 

"Shut up, you prat, this is extremely expensive tea, and you know it."

"Why me, Alfred?" England groaned, and sighed. "Truth."

America smirked. "Who's your favorite person, aside from me?"

We all looked at England, who merely just sighed again. "It would have to be Japan," he said. "I like how he's sensible and reserved, unlike someone." He glared at me and Feliciano, and I snorted. This dude was no better than me, dammit.

"Alright, China," England said, "Truth or bloody dare."

"Aiyaaa, I think truth is probably the safest," China decided. England raised his eyebrows.

"Alright, then, what's your opinion on communism?"


We all looked at China, who sighed, and put down his tea.

"First of all, that is in the past," he muttered. "Second, I believe it is not a great solution to problems. The idea of equality is wonderful, however when it is taken into action, it does not work. I do not like it, no."

We all clapped, and America snorted in laughter. "I wonder what Russia has to say about that!"

I shrugged. "Russia isn't a communist country anymore, America," I reasoned. "Where's your knowledge of world history, dammit? You're a country, for fuck's sake..."

"France," China said, uneasily, "truth or dare?"

"Ohonhon," France laughed, winking. I shuddered in disgust. "You're all choosing truth. Fine, dare."

"I dare you to take 21 shots, France," China said, glaring at him. "Punishment for ruining my food with your wine."

"Hon! You make it sound as if it's a terrible punishment, mon ami," he laughed. "Very well, then."

"I don't like the idea of a drunk France," I muttered into Feliciano's ear. My brother laughed. "Ahaha, I've seen him drunk before, even drunker than he was at Kiku's last party. It was...not pretty."

"One!" China yelled, as France took the first shot. I sighed. This wasn't going to end well.

By the time he had taken all 21, France was half naked, moping around in his frog boxers, resting his head on Germany's shoulder. The potato bastard was fucking squirming, trying to get as far from France as possible. I almost felt sorry for him, but it was fucking hilarious.

"Truth...or dare? Ohonhonhon..."

Germany sighed. "Truth."

"Who was your first love?"

The room went silent. Germany shifted around nervously.

"Well," he began, "I don't really retain most of my childhood memories, and though I know that I grew up with my older brother, I feel like something's missing, as if I had a past life, and was reborn or something. All I remember is a small child, a girl, a brunette with a green dress. Oh, and Austria was there, too."

Feliciano choked on his wine, and blinked. "You okay?" I asked, looking at him. He nodded, and smiled at me. "I'm okay."

"So if I can't remember my childhood memories, I'd have to say my first love was Feliciano," Germany said, smiling warmly at my brother. Feliciano blushed.

Holiday (SpaMano with lil bits of GerIta, USUK, PruHun, and platonic RoMerica.)Where stories live. Discover now