7 - How To Dab

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We had just gotten home, and Japan looked back at us, and smiled.

"I see you're all still energetic," he said, nodding in approval. "Perhaps Romano-kun's choice to go to a hot springs previously played a part in this." I made a smug smile, and Antonio grinned, patting my head. "Oi," I whisper-yelled. "Don't touch my curl!!" He gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry," he mouthed back.

"Perhaps we can live our lives to the fullest today," Japan continued. "In other words, we should have some fun. It is Japanese tradition to celebrate with karaoke." I choked. Karaoke?

Antonio used to sing a lot for me when I was little, and he still does. He would ask me to dance, and I would, of course, refuse. And then he'd say something like, "Ah, that's right, you can't dance, right?" and then I'd be all like, "The hell are you talking about, dammit?! Of course I can, even better than you!"

He had his own ways of making me do things. Good times.

My boyfriend likes it when I sing, but I rarely do sing, ever. I'm just too embarrassed to sing.

I did sing once, earlier this year. (What? I was by myself, dammit!! At least, I thought I was.) Antonio caught me, and told me he liked my voice. Of course, he was rewarded with a string of insults and curses.

"Therefore, I think we should have a movie night, and then perhaps some late night karaoke afterwards. If you have brought DVDs, please put them over here," Japan said, pointing to a small shelf beside him. "America-san has lent me his all-region DVD player, so anything should work fine. However, there is one rule. No pornographic movies. Thank you. Let the party begin."

I heard Prussia explode in laughter at Japan's last sentence, and he elbowed Germany, grinning. His brother groaned in embarrassment, Feliciano laughed, and I didn't even want to know what they were laughing at. I had an idea of what it was, and it wasn't pretty. I could be wrong.

We passed in our DVDs, and I glanced down at the DVD pile, and picked up two I found in the pile.

"Junjo Romantica? Sekaiichi Hatsukoi?" I read the titles of the DVDs, confused. Maybe it was from Japan's anime collection or something. The manga things. I looked at the backs of the two DVDs.

There was a sticky note on the backs of each DVD, which read: "This belongs to Hungary (Elizabeta Hedervary). Please return this if you find it, it is very valuable. Thank you."

Very valuable, my ass!! These are the gay shit anime things she told me about!! The ones that scarred me for life!! Dammit, Hungary!

Japan saw me holding the DVDs, and raised his eyebrows worriedly. "Romano-kun...?" he asked, and I immediately put down the DVDs, blushing a vibrant shade of red.

"T-These aren't mine, dammit!!" I stammered, pointing to the note at the back of the Junjo Romantica DVD. "They belong to that Hungarian bitch, dammit!"

"And 'that Hungarian bitch' recommends you don't touch those, unless you want to watch them now, Romano, dear." I looked over my shoulder, and Hungary was smiling at me. "Hello, Romano! Do you want to watch something from the DVDs I chose?" she asked, and I pushed her away, horrified.

"Do you have anything else, Hungary?" I asked, mortified to have even been seen holding the gay DVDs. Even if I did have a boyfriend myself, being a man, I was still embarrassed. Hungary nodded, and pulled out a few more from her bag.

"Sure!! We have Super Lovers and this one that I can't read," she grinned. I snorted. "Not that, please," I muttered. She pouted, and turned to Japan, who shook his head.

Holiday (SpaMano with lil bits of GerIta, USUK, PruHun, and platonic RoMerica.)Where stories live. Discover now